الدمج المعاصر لبعض الأعمال الفنية لموتسارت وبعض الأعمال الغنائية للموسيقى العربية في العمل الفني موتسارت المصري

Faculty Specific Education Year: 2019
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: بحوث في العلوم والفنون النوعية جامعة الاسكندرية - كلية التربية النوعية Volume:
Keywords : الدمج المعاصر لبعض الأعمال الفنية لموتسارت    
The Contemporary Integration of some of Mozart's Pieces and some of the Lyrical Pieces of Arabic music in “Mozart in Egypt” Introduction: As the music is a science in permanent development, therefore the researcher was interested in provide one of the new experiences in the provision of musical works of Arab music within the global music experiences which attracted the attention of professionals and amateurs alike. The researcher presents a presentation on the method of modern fusion of music and how it is applied through a work that participated in singing in it. It is "Egyptian Mozart" composed by contemporary French author Hughes De Courson, Research Identification and the previous studies: Research Identification: Research Problem: Despite the presence of Arabic music regionally and on the international scene, participation in many important and influential musical events, so the researcher saw the importance of conducting this study by shedding light on one of these musical works by study and analysis. Research Objective: Learn about a contemporary musical direction whose purpose is to blend the East and the West into a work that combines Western orchestras and oriental music with singing. Importance of Research: To provide a study to musicians, especially who specialists in singing to learn contemporary musical trends and their characteristics and the methods used in their performance. Research Sample: The work of “Mozart in Egypt” by “Hughes De Courson”. Research Limits: Since the beginning of the new millennium so far. Research Questions: What is the technical method used in the research sample work? Methodology: Descriptive approach (content analysis) Research Tools: 1- Arab and foreign references 2. Music scores 3. Audio and video recordings 4. The web and all that can be reached through the Internet Research Terminology: Each term used by the researcher in relation to the current research. The Previous Studies: Part One this part including theoretical concepts of the research that tackled by the researcher as follows: I: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II: Hughes De Courson III: The Role the Researcher Has Played Part Two these part Contains: Introduction I: The analysis of the sample selected in the research: analysis of: Ya Man Hawa ). II: Researcher Live Performance and interaction with the public. Part Three: Research results and recommendations as Proposed: This chapter includes research results and recommendations, a list of Arabic and foreign references and websites, the summary of the research in both Arabic and foreign. (Keywords): The Contemporary Integration - Mozart in Egypt - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Hughes De Courson - Lyrical Pieces of Arabic music.

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