دراسة طريقة تدريس عزف آلة البيانو عند "ميرون إليس كول" والإستفادة منها للدارس المبتدىء

Faculty Specific Education Year: 2023
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: علوم وفنون الموسيقى- كلية التربية الموسيقية – جامعة حلوان. كلية التربية الموسيقية Volume:
Keywords : دراسة طريقة تدريس , , البيانو , "ميرون إليس    
One of the goals of teaching methods is commitment and accuracy in the methodology, and if all methods are great in their goals and means, they do not give their mature fruits except by the means of the teacher in teaching the subject. In order to acquire sound concepts for the student of the piano instrument, this requires presenting the concepts in a correct manner through teaching methods. The purposeful education of the student is not achieved if it is not planned, led and evaluated by the teacher. The teacher’s use of the good teaching method is the means that helps him to transfer the knowledge, information and skills that the curriculum includes To achieve this, the teacher must be familiar with the methods of teaching the machine and choose the correct method that suits each student according to the individual differences between them in order to help both the teacher and the student to achieve the educational goals easily. Teaching methods for playing the piano because it requires acquiring many different skills at the same time, including developing mental, motor and sensory ability. The research includes the introduction, research problem, research objectives, importance of research, research questions, research procedures (methodology - sample - limits - tools - terms), and previous studies. Research problem: The students' lack of diversity of knowledge of new teaching methods in playing the piano, which resulted in a weakness in the level of students in specialized colleges. The research is divided into two parts: The theoretical side includes: First: the author, "Mayron Cole" (1940 - ). 1- The life of Myron Cole. 2- The beginning of Myron Cole in the process of teaching playing the piano and some of its principles Second: The basic features of Myron Cole's way of playing the piano. Third: Observations made by Myron Cole regarding her method. 1- Use the numbering of the fingers. 2- the rhythm 3- Group teaching. 4- Linking learning to the mind. The practical side: It includes: in two parts: The first part: the descriptive study of the research sample: it includes: First: The general characteristics of Cole's method of teaching playing the piano, which the researcher concluded from the study of the method Second: Describe the method of teaching Myron Cole to play the piano for young beginners as written by Myron. Third: Describe the method of teaching Myron Cole to play the piano for beginners as written by Myron. Fourth: The researcher's opinion on the Myron Cole method. The second part: the experimental study of the research sample. The researcher will perform the procedures of the quasi-experimental approach through: - Choosing some of the lessons that fit the educational process and suit the novice student at the Faculty of Specific Education, Zagazig University, through the teaching method for young beginners, and limiting the lessons that correspond to the performance section / piano specialization only without addressing the topics of the rest of the other musical sections. - Selection of 4 students enrolled in the first band (piano 1). - Conducting a pre-test on the research sample students before the beginning of the training sessions, and a post-test at the end of the training sessions. - The application of 10 sessions, two sessions per week, some of these sessions will be group and others will be individual, and using them In proportion to the content to be performed, the researcher will mention this during the presentation of the sessions. Then the researcher reviewed the results and recommendations, and concluded the research with a list of Arab and foreign references, and a survey forms for the opinion of expert professors, and a summary of the research in Arabic and English.

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