Cleanth Brooks as the Exponent of The New Criticism;

Faculty Art Year: 1988
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 363
BibID 11013131
Keywords : Cleanth Brooks    
The study falls into five chapters. Chapter I discusses the philosophical grounding of the new criticism as an influential literary trend of our century.The formalist strain of brooks’s critical principles is represented by the therories of I.A. Richards and william Empson.Chapter II demonstrates the principal tenets of cleanth brooks’s theories of literary criticism. Brooks is a formalist or a contextualist critic who is responsible for establishment of a critical attitude concentrating upon the poem as an organic whole whose concrete imagery forms metaphor, and whose component elements are grasped in an act of ironic contemplation by imagination.Chapter III poins out the basic core of principles that shape the Brooks-Warren approach to literature. Brooks and warren have through the years clung to a basic core of principles that shape both their critical and pedagogical works.Chapter IV attempts to shed light on Brooks’s position regarding Romantic poetry. Brooks’s early work is labeled ant-Romantic and his criticism is generally assumed to be hostile to biography and sociology.Chapter V is a conclusion which affirms that Brook’s achievments are much more impressive that Brooks’s achievements are much more impressive than his limitations. Indeed, Brooks’s long career indicates an inventive unsatifactory literary and critical standards. 