The Domestic Prolems In Miller’s Early plays;

Faculty Art Year: 1998
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 153
BibID 11011102
Keywords : , Domestic Prolems , Miller’s Early plays;    
Arthur Miller is perhaps one of the most controversial figures in the American drama. A prolific explicator of his own work, Miller has given us a eide latitude to support our various interpations of his artistic aims. He usually writes prefaces to his published plays, explaining the motives that imspired him and the effects he hoped to achieve.So, the six major plays of Miller’s early career, from All My Sons through The price, are analyzed. The emphasis is litery in Which the reading process is unified by a striking central and recurring theme in Miller’s work over this period. The stress is put on the characters’ relationships to each other, to their families, and to their world as well.Many of Miller’s plays portray the American familial structure in decay. Crucial are the father-son, relationships, but important as well is the husband-wife relatioship in which each spouse contributes to the breahdown of marital harmony.Miller is always emphasizing the social context of his characters. He tries to define what the individual is escaping into from the family and how the individual can retain his integrity in such a process. But Miller’s attempts to connect his protagonists with some larger redeeming social order are dramatically unrealized. Not until the end of the 1960’s, as in The Price, does Miller fully explore the familial relationships which are his main concern and preoccupation. 