Response of Garlic Plant to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Some Biofertilizer Levels Under Sandy Soil Conditions

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2012
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 152
BibID 11437023
Keywords : Vegetables    
This investigation was carried out during the two winter seasons of 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 at El-Khattara Exp. Farm, Fac. Agric. Zagazig Univ., Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, to study the effect of some phosphorus rates , application of mycorrhizae fungi, N + K2O rates and algae extract on some garlic cultivars under sandy soil condition.Application of phosphorus at the rate of 45 kg P2O5/fed., algae extract at 7.5 g/L and (N + K2O) at 100 + 50 kg/fed. significantly increased total dry weight/plant, average bulb weight and total yield/fed., also, application of mycorrhizae fungi at a rate of 2.0 kg/fed. significantly increased the abovementioned traits compared to the uninoculated ones.In addition, the most effective treatments for increasing dry weight of garlic plant and total yield/fed. were phosphorus at a rate of 45 kg P2O5 fed. x 2kg mycorrhizae inoculant/fed. and Balady cultivar x 100+50 kg (N+K2O)/fed. and Chinese cultivar x N+K2O at 100+50 kg/fed. Neither total phenols or pungency (as pyrovic acid) were affected by phosphorus or (N+K2O) fertilizer rates. 