Effect of Organic, Bio-And Mineral Fertilization on Wheat Plant

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2011
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 142
BibID 11424377
Keywords : Crops    
Tow pots experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions at the Faculty of Agriculture of Zagazig University, during winter season of 2006-2007 in order to study the effect of inoculation with biofertilizers in presence of different nitrogen sources and rates, and interaction between phosphorus sources and rates as well as nitrogen sources in presence of inoculation with biofertilizers on growth, yields and chemical composition of wheat Triticum aestivum c.v. Sakha 69 grown on clay soil taken from Faculty Agriculture farm (Abo Al-Akhdar area), Sharkia Governorate.First ExperimentThe design of the experiment was a randomized complete block, factorial, involving 3 factors and executed in 3 replicates. Factors of experiment were as follows:Factor A : Nitrogen sources; ammonium sulphate (A.S), chicken manure (Ch.M) and town refuse (T.R).Factor B : Nitrogen rate; 3 rates included 50, 75 and 100 kg N fed.-1.Factor C : Biofertilizers and the micro-organisms included without addition, cerealine addition and nitrobien addition.The fallowing biofertilizers and micro-organisms included in them:1- Cerealine : containing Azospirillium and Azotobacter chrocuccum (N-fixing bacteria).2- Nitrobien : containing Azospirillium lipoferm and Azotobacter chrocuccum (N-fixing bacteria) and Bacillus megatherium (P-dissolving bacteria).Thus the total number of treatment combinations was 27 (3 nitrogen sources × 3 nitrogen rates × 3 biofertilizers addition).Second ExperimentThe design of the experiment was a randomized complete block, factorial, involving 4 factors and executed in 3 replicates. Factors of experiment were as follows:Factor A : Nitrogen sources; organic sources as chicken manure and town refuse.Factor B : Phosphorus sources; ordinary calcium superphosphate (OSP) and rock phosphate (RP).Factor C : Nitrogen rate; 3 rates included 0, 15 and 30 kg P2O5 fed.-1.Factor D : Biofertilizers and the micro-organisms included without addition, cerealine addition and with addition phosphorine containing Bacillus megatherium (P-dissolving bacteria).Thus the total number of treatment combinations was 24 (2 nitrogen sources × 2 phosphorus sources × 3 phosphorus rates × 2 biofertilizers addition. 