certain studies on the effect of pinoline and some pineal indoles as protective agents from oxidative stress

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2010
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 232
BibID 10900377
Keywords : Biochemistry    
* The effect on BuChE activity:a) The treatment with PIN and CYP induced a moderate amelioration in plasma BuChE activity than that of CYP–treated group. 5-HT and CYP–caused a lower pronounced similar effect to that obtained by the treatment with PIN and CYP.b) While, the treatment with 5-HIAA and CYP ameliorated the activity of plasma BuChE to be near to obtained in saline-treated control. MEL and CYP–induced a lower pronounced similar influence to that obtained by the treatment with 5-HIAA and CYP.IV-It is clear that the histopathological examinations confirmed the result obtained in this:This study suggest that 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid acts the most pronounced protective agent in counteraction the induction of oxidative stress and nitrosative stress in the different studied tissues of aged rats by cyclophosphamide. In addition to that, the results further support the importance of pineal gland in the protection against free radicals generating agents. 