Ecological Studies On Some Species Of Scale Insects, Mealybugs And Their Associated Parasitoids Infesting Mango Trees In Sharkia Governorate

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2010
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 308
BibID 10776854
Keywords : Pests    
Ecological studies were carried out on four mango varieties (Shmama, Balady, Holman and Alphonso) in Inshas El-Raml district, Sharkia Governorate during the two successive years (2007-2008 and 2008-2009) to survey the important scale insects and mealybugs which attacking mango varieties and their associated natural enemies. Seven species of scale insects and mealybugs belonging to four families, five parasitoids species and one predacious species were recorded. Seasonal abundance,number of generations, effect of climatic factors, preferable level, preferable leaf surface, distribution and susceptibility of the mango varieties to infestation for both Kilifia acuminata(Signoret) and Aulacaspis tubercularis (Newstead) and its associated natural enemies were studied. The relationship between insects infestation and chemical composition of leaves of mango varieties were also considered. 