Response of Tomato Plants to Different Sources of Nitrogenous Fertilizers Under Sandy Soil Conditions

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2008
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 126
BibID 10598634
Keywords : Vegetable    
Theuse of biofertilizers is particular interest to avoid the previously mentioned problems. Biofertilizers do not completely replace agro-chemical fertilizers by may significantly reduce their rates of application. Moreover, minimizibg mineral fertilizer application rates will reduce the production costs. M oreover,microorganisms which are used as biofertilizers induce stimulative effect on plant growth and production of fixing atmospheric nitrogen.Inaddition, organic fertilizationis very important method for providing the plants with theirnutritional requirements without having an undesirable impact on the environment It is necessary to add organic fertilizers alongside nitrogenous chemical fertilizers to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil particularly sandy soil. This, in turn will improve growth, yield and quality of tomato 