Faculty Agriculture Year: 2007
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 78
BibID 10103040
Keywords : ROSELLE    
الملخص العربىيعتبر الكركدية من النباتات الطبية والعطرية التى تستخدم فى علاج كثير من الأمراض بدلاً من أستخدام المواد الكيمياوية التى بدأت أثارها السلبية تظهر على صحة الأنسان0كما يستخرج من السبلات صبغة الأنثوثيانين الحمراء التى تستخدم فى تلوين المواد الغذائية ويستخرج من بذور الكركدية على زيت ثابت يستخدم فى أغراض الطهى والأغذية ويشابة زيت بذرة القطن بينما فضلات البذرة بعد استخراج الزيت يستخدم كغذاء للماشية ويستخرج من سيقان الكركدية على الياف تشبة الياف التيل0خطة البحث:1-أختيار أنسب الطرق أعداد مرقد البذرة لإنتاج محصول الكركدية بأمثل خواص طبيعية للتربة 02- أختيار أنسب طرق الزرعة لإنتاج أعلى إنتاجية لمحصول الكركدية3-تقييم طرق إعداد مرقد البذرة وطرق الزراعة المختلفة من الجهة الأقتصادية0قد أجريت هذه التجربة بمزرعة كفر الحمام بالشرقية فى عام 2004 م بمساحة واحد فدان لميكنة إنتاج محصول الكركدية تحت الظروف المصرية حيث قسمت التجربة إلى 36 قطعة بأبعاد( 2.4 ×50م ) للقطعة الواحدة0الطرق المختلفة لإعداد مرقد البذرة :-T1 : محراث حفار ( وجهين ) + تسويةT2 : محراث حفار ( وجهين) + محراث دوراني + تسويةT3 : محراث قلاب + محراث دوراني + تسويةT4 : محراث قلاب + محراث حفار ( وجة واحد) محراث دوراني + تسويةالطرق المختلفة للزراعة :P1 : الزراعة اليدوية ، P2:الزراعة بالسطارة ، P3 : الزراعة بالبلانتر الهوائى0فقد تم تقييم المعاملات من حيث :1- السعة الحقلية والكفاءة الحقلية لآلات الحرث والزراعة المختلفة02- تأثير طرق إعداد مرقد البذرة على الخواص الطبيعية للتربة03- تأثير طرق الزراعة المختلفة على نسبة الأنبات وتوزيع البذور04- تأثير طرق أعداد مرقد البذرة وطرق الزراعة على بعض مواصفات النبات05- تأثير طرق أعداد مرقد البذرة وطرق الزراعة على الأنتاجية06- متطلبات الطاقة لطرق الميكنة المختلفة لمحصول الكركدية07- التكاليف المطلوبة لعمليات الزراعة المختلفة للكركدية0وقد تم الحصول على النتائج التالية :-1- السعة الحقلية والكفاءة الحقلية فى طرق إعداد مرقد البذرة وطرق الزراعة المختلفة 0كانت قيمة السعة الحقلية لطرق أعداد والزراعة كالتالى ( 1.0 ، 0.6 ، 0.85 ، 0.76 ، 0.5 ، 2.0 ، 1.5 فدان / ساعة) وكانت الكفاءة (70، 78، 72، 85، 69، 70 ، 68 % ) تحت ( حفار وجه واحد ، حفار وجهين ، محراث قلاب ، محراث دوراني جهاز تسوية ، سطارة ، بلانتر)02- تاثير إعداد مرقد البذرة على الكثافة الظاهرية للتربة ومقاومة أختراق التربة0تلاحظ أن الكثافة الظاهرية أنخفضت بعد أستخدام محراث قلاب + حفار وجه واحد + محراث دوراني + تسوية وكانت 1.13 كجم / سم2 كما أن المقاومة أختراق التربة أنخفضت أيضاً تحت نفس المعاملة وكانت 1.79 ميجا باسكال03- تأثير طرق الزراعة المختلفة على نسبة الأنبات وتوزيع البذور0كانت أعلى نسبة إنبات تحت الزراعة اليدوية تليها الزراعة فى جور ( بالبلانتر) تليها السطارة (90.3 % ، 90% ، 87%) على الترتيب0وكانت أعلى أنتظامية للتوزيع البذور تحت الزراعة بالبلانتر ثم السطارة تليها الزراعة اليدوية ( 48.7، 38.3، 24.21) على الترتيب04- تأثير طرق أعداد مرقد البذرة وطرق الزراعة على بعض مواصفات النبات0طول الساق : كانت أعلى قيمة تحت طريقة الزراعة فى جور ( بلانتر) يليها الزراعة اليدوية يليها الزراعة بالسطارة تحت المعاملة 4 (1.82، 1.58، 1.56) على الترتيب0عدد الأفرع على النبات : كان أعلى متوسط لعدد الأفرع 18.2 ذلك تحت الزراعة بالبلانتر بينما كان 10.7 تحت الزراعة بالسطارة وقد بلغ متوسط عدد الأفرع 10.1 تحت الزراعة اليدوية 0عدد الكبسولات على النبات : كانت أعلى عدد للكبسولات 95 كبسولة تحت الزراعة بالبلانتر عند المعاملة 4 بينما أقل عدد للكبسولات 68 كبسولة تحت الزراعة بالسطارة عند المعاملة 1.وزن الكبسولات : أقل وزن للكبسولات كان 0.197جم / كبسولة تحت الزراعة اليدوية عند المعاملة 1 بينما زادت القيمة (0.281 0.285 جم/ كبسولات) تحت الزراعة بالبلانتر عند المعاملة 1 ، والمعاملة 4 على الترتيب0عدد البذور على النبات: كان أعلى عدد للبذور على النبات 2280 بذرة / نبات تحت الزراعة بالبلانتر عند المعاملة 4 بينما أقل عدد للبذور (1656، 1632 بذرة) تحت الزراعة اليدوية والسطارة عند المعاملة 1 على الترتيب05- تأثير طرق أعداد مرقد البذرة وطرق الزراعة على الأنتاجية0فقد ظهر من التجربة أن الزراعة فى جور ( بلانتر) أنتجت عدد أفرع على الساق أكثر من الزراعة بالسطارة والزراعة اليدوية فكان المحصول الكلى (605.3 ، 552.1 ، 510.8 كجم / فدان سبلات ، 867، 854، 788 كحم / فدان بذور) على الترتيب تحت الزراعة فى جور ( بلانتر) عند المعاملة 4 06- متطلبات الطاقة لطرق الميكنة المختلفة لمحصول الكركدية0كانت أعلى احتياجات للطاقة المطلوبة تحت الزراعة بالبلانتر عند المعاملة4 وأقل طاقة عند الزراعة اليدوية تحت المعاملة 1 ( محراث حفار وجهين + تسوية)0في موسم 2004 زرعت البذرة الذاتية لكل من الأباء المصرية و الأمريكية وبذرة الجيل الأول و بذرة الجيل الرجعى الأول في تجربة قطاعات كاملة العشوائية في ثلاث مكرارت و في نهاية الموسم تم جنى النباتات الفردية و حلج كل نبات على حدة و إجراء اختبارات الجودة عليها.في موسم 2005 زرعت البذرة الذاتية للآباء المصرية و كذلك النباتات المبشرة المنتخبة من الجيل الرجعى الأول في خطوط منفصلة , و في نهاية الموسم تم جنى النباتات الفردية لكل عائلة و حلج كل نبات على حدة.تم دراسة صفات المحصول على النباتات الفردية لكل جيل وهى محصول القطن الزهر/ لوزة، محصول القطن الشعر/ لوزة ، محصول القطن الزهر/ النبات ، محصول القطن الشعر/ النبات ، تصافى الحليج و صفات الجودة و هي الطول عند 2.5% ، النعومة ، المتانة.تم تحليل البيانات على أساس متوسط القطعة التجريبية لصفات المحصول و تحليل التباين لتحديد معنوية الاختلافات المشاهدة بين الأجيال المدروسة ( P1, P2, F1 and BC1 ).تم استخدم تكنيك weighted least square لدراسة التأثيرات الوراثية m, [a] and [d] لكل الأجيال تحت الدراسة معتمدا على متوسط مكونات الأجيال . و كذلك تم حساب قوة الهجين و درجة السيادة لكل هجين.تم استخدام تكنيك Multivariate analysis باستعمال طريقة تحليل المجموعات Clustering analysis معتمدا على صفات المحصول لنباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول لكل الهجن تحت الدراسة . كما استخدم تكنيك تحليل المجموعات لانتخاب بعض النباتات المبشرة والتي تتميز بتفوقها على الأب المصري . و قيمت المجموعات المنتخبة و نباتاتها الفردية لكل من صفات المحصول و الجودة و حساب genetic gain .و يمكن تلخيص النتائج المتحصل عليها فيما يلي :-1- لوحظ وجود اختلافات عالية المعنوية بين كل من الأباء المصرية و الأمريكية لكل صفات المحصول المدروسة و كذلك بين الأصناف و بعضها البعض ، مما يعكس وجود اختلافات وراثية بين كل الأباء .2- كان معامل عدم التشابه dissimilarity coefficients معنويا بين كل الأصناف المصرية و الأمريكية فيما عدا بين الصنفين Tamcot Camd-e و Palala حيث اظهر أقل معامل عدم الشابة . تراوح معامل عدم التشابه بين 13.801 بين كل من Acala Maxxa و Palala إلي 173.633 بين كل من Giza 85 و Tamcot Camd-e ، مما يعكس الاختلاف الوراثي بينهم في النشأة و الأصل .3- لوحظ وجود اختلاقات معنوية بين الخمس هجن النوعية لمعظم صفات المحصول ، وكذلك بين أجيال كل هجين ، مما يوضح الاختلاف الوراثي بينهم .4- يتضح أن سلوك الجيل الأول كان متجها تجاه الأب المصري بالنسبة لصفات محصول القطن الزهر / لوزة و محصول القطن الشعر / لوزة في كل الهجن. في حين تفوق أو تساوى على الأصناف الأمريكية بالنسبة لصفات محصول القطن الزهر/ النبات و محصول القطن الشعر/ النبات .5- أظهر متوسط نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول للهجن تحت الدراسة نطاق عريض من التباين الوراثي لكل صفات المحصول تحت الدراسة ، مما يعنى حدوث انعزالات و التي تسمح بأجراء انتخاب في الأجيال المبكرة .6- لوحظ عدم وجود معنوية بالنسبة للتأثير الجينى المضيف في كل الهجن المدروسة لصفات المحصول ، و مع ذلك وجدت معنوية للتأثير الجينى السيادى لمعظم صفات المحصول . و من ذلك فأن التأثير الجينى السيادى سائد و أكثر وضوحا من التأثير الجينى المضيف .7- التأثير الجينى السيادى السالب يعنى أن صفة المحصول تتفوق على الأباء المصرية .8- كان معظم قوة الهجين معنوية و سالبة لكل الهجن ، مما يعنى أن تعبير قوة الهجين تتجه ناحية الأب المصري اكثر من الأب الأمريكي .9- وجدت سيادة جزيئيه سالبة لصفتي محصول القطن الزهر/ لوزة و محصول القطن الشعر/ لوزة لمعظم الهجن . و كانت سيادة فائقة موجبة بالنسبة لصفتي محصول القطن الزهر/ النبات و محصول القطن الشعر/ النبات في الهجن المحتوية على الأب الأمريكي Tamcot Camd-e و Palala . في حين كانت سيادة فائقة سالبة لصفة تصافى الحليج في كل الهجن المدروسة .10- قسم تكنيك تحليل المجموعات Clustering analysis معتمدا على صفات المحصول نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول من 3-4 مجموعات في كل الهجن و التي اختلفت في متوسط المجموعات مما يعنى حدوث انعزالات كنتيجة للتهجين النوعي .11- أظهرت بعض المجموعات أعلي تقدير لمعظم صفات المحصول و كان ترتيبها الأول، حيث زاد متوسط هذه المجموعات زيادة معنوية على الأب المصري لصفات المحصول و لذلك تم انتخابها.12- أظهرت نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول فاعلية كبيرة في عملية الانتخاب أكثر من الأجيال الانعزالية الأخرى .13- باختبار النباتات الفردية داخل المجموعات المنتخبة أتاح فرصة لاكتشاف و انتخاب بعض النباتات الفردية والتي تميزت بمحصولها العالي و جودة صفات تيلتها.14- و النباتات الفردية المنتخبة يمكن اعتبارها نباتات مبشرة مما يسمح بإمكانية استخدامها في برامج تحسين القطن .15- و أخيرا أظهر النسل الناتج من التلقيح الذاتي للنباتات المنتخبة تفوق في صفات المحصول على الأب المصري .الـنتـائج الـوراثـيـة الـمتـرتـبـة عـلـى إدخــال جـيـنـات أجـنـبـيـة إلي بـعـضالأقـطـان الـمـصـريــةرسـالـة مـقـدمـة مـنأحـمـد محـمـد عـبد المغـنى عـبد الـباقـيبكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية، كلية الزراعة بمشتهر، جامعة الزقازيق (2000)للحصـــول عـلى درجةالـمـاجـسـتـيـر فـي الـعــلـوم الــزراعــيـة(وراثـــــــة)قسـمـ الــوراثـــــةكـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـق2006الـنتـائج الـوراثـيـة الـمتـرتـبـة عـلـى إدخــال جـيـنـات أجـنـبـيـة إلي بـعـضالأقـطـان الـمـصـريــةرسـالـة مـقـدمـة مـنأحـمـد محـمـد عـبد المغـنى عـبد الـباقـيبكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية، كلية الزراعة بمشتهر، جامعة الزقازيق (2000)لـجـنـة الأشـــراف الـعـلـمـي :1- أ.د. / سـلامـة مـيـخـائـيـل عـبـد الـسيــد ..................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة المتفرغ ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـق2- أ.د. / الـسـيـد مـحـمـود مـحـجـوب .....................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقأ.د. / مـحـمـد أحـمـد رأفــــــــت .......................................الـمـديـر السـابـق لـمـعـهـد بـحـوث الـقـطـن – مـركـز الـبـحـوثالــزراعـيـة – الـجـيـزةقسـمـ الــوراثـــــةكـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقالـنتـائج الـوراثـيـة الـمتـرتـبـة عـلـى إدخــال جـيـنـات أجـنـبـيـة إلي بـعـضالأقـطـان الـمـصـريــةمـقـدمـة مـنأحـمـد محـمـد عـبد المغـنى عـبد الـباقـيبكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية، كلية الزراعة بمشتهر، جامعة الزقازيق (2000)للحصـــول عـلى درجةالـمـاجـسـتـيـر فـي الـعــلـوم الــزراعــيـة – وراثـــــةو قد تمت مناقشة الرسالة و الموافقة عليهاالـلجـنـــــــــــةأ.د. / سـلامـة مـيـخـائـيـل عـبـد الـسيــد ..........................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة المتفرغ ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقأ.د. / أحـمـد حـسن فــايـــد ...........................................أسـتاذ و رئيس قسم الـوراثــة ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقأ.د. / عبد الحميد عبد الحميد على ............................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة ــ كـلية الـزراعـة بكفر الشيخ – جـامـعـة طنطاأ.د. / الـسـيـد مـحـمـود مـحـجـوب ............................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقتاريخ الموافقة 26 / 4 / 2006V. SUMMARYThe present investigation was carried out at Department of Cotton Breeding, Cotton Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza during the growing seasons 2002-2005.The work was aimed to study the genetic consequences of incorporating new genes from hirsutum cottons into two Egyptian cultivars via interspecific hybridization to increase their yield potentials using BC1s derived from backcrossing interspecific F1s to their Egyptian parents.The genetic effects, based on components of generation means, of studied populations within each interspecific cross were examined. The work was extended to follow incorporating of such new genes by subjecting BC1 populations to clustering analysis to select some promising BC1 plants that outperform their Egyptian parents.In the season of 2002, selfed seeds of the two Egyptian parents; Giza 85 and Giza 86; and the three American parents; Tamcot Camd-e, Acala Maxxa and Palala; were planted. Interspecific hybridization was done using the Egyptian varieties as female parents and the American ones as males, in order to obtain interspecific F1 seeds.In the season of 2003, selfed seeds of the Egyptian parents and the obtained F1 seeds were planted and the interspecific F1 plants were backcrossed to their corresponding Egyptian parents to produce BC1 seeds.In the season of 2004, selfed seeds of all parental varieties, their derived interspecific F1 seeds and their BC1 seeds were planted in complete randomized experimental design, with three replicates. At the end of this season, individual plants of each generation were separately harvested and ginnined.In the season of 2005, the selfed seeds of each selected BC1 plant in each interspecific cross were sown in separate rows, in order to evaluate such selected plants for their yield potentials.The following yield characters were studied on the individual plants basis of each population in each cross: seed cotton yield per boll, lint yield per boll, seed cotton yield per plant, lint yield per plant and lint percentage. These fiber quality characters: fiber length at 2.5% span length, fiber strength and fiber fineness were also examined among the selected plants to evaluate their fiber properties.The obtained data were statistically analyzed on the mean plot basis, for yield characters. A separate analysis of variance for the parental genotypes as well as combined analysis of variance of the interspecific crosses, and the four populations with each one, were done to detect the significance of the observed differences.The genetic effects; m, [a] and [d]; were detected based on generation mean components of the studied populations within each interspecific cross, subjecting to joint analysis using weighted least square method. Heterosis and degree of dominance were also computed.Multivariate technique was applied using clustering analysis based on yield characters, among BC1 plants of each interspecific cross. Clustering analysis was also employed to select some promising plants that surpassed their Egyptian parents. The selected clusters and their individuals were evaluated for yield and fiber quality characters comparing with their Egyptian parents and the genetic gain was estimated.The obtained results could be summarized as follow :-1- Highly significant differences were detected between Egyptian (G. barbadense L.) and American (G. hirsutum L.) cotton varieties for all studied yield characters, and within each group, there was some sort of differences in yield attributes reflecting a lot of genetic variation among these parental genotypes.2- Significant dissimilarity coefficients between all the Egyptian and American cotton parental genotypes were determined expect, between the two American parents “Tamcot Camd-e” and “Palala” showing the lowest coefficients. These significant dissimilarity coefficients, ranging from 13.801, between “Acala Maxxa” and “Palala” to 173.633, between “Giza 85” and “Tamcot Camd-e”, assured their different genetic origin and pedigree.3- Highly significant differences were observed for most studied yield attributes among the five interspecific cotton crosses, as well as populations within each one, reflecting their different genetic constitution.4- The behavior of interspecific F1’s appeared to be of intermediate scores tending to Giza parents for seed cotton yield per boll and lint yield per boll. However, F1 was equal or greater than hirsutum parents for seed cotton yield per plant and lint yield per plant.5- Performance of BC1 plants of the five interspecific cotton crosses for all studied yield characters showed a wide range of genetic variations indicating the existence of some transgerssive segregate and permitting to subject these early generations under selection.6- Most estimates of [a] were not significantly derivate from zero, however, most estimates of [d] were significant differed from zero for the studied yield characters in all interspecific crosses. Hence, the dominance effects were the prevailing and more pronounced than additive effects.7- The negative estimates of [d] indicated that yield attributes progressively directed towards the Egyptian parental values.8- Most estimations of heterosis were negative and significant among all interspecific crosses for most studied characters indicating that expressions of heterotic effects were more tended to barbadense parents rather than hirsutum ones.9- Negative partial dominance was detected for seed cotton yield or lint yield per boll among most crosses. The crosses involved American parents “Tamcot Camd-e” or “Palala” exhibited positive over dominance for seed cotton yield and lint yield per plant, while, lint percentage showed negative over dominance in all studied crosses.10- The clustering analysis classified BC1 plants of the studied interspecific crosses, based on yield characters, into 3-4 kinds of grouping, having different cluster means which might due to the existence of segregants as a result of interspecific crossing.11- Some clusters had the highest scores for almost studied yield characters and ranked firstly, exhibiting their best phenotypic expression and could be taken as selected clusters. Means of such clusters increased significantly in yield attributes comparing with their Giza parental means. Such increments were reflected in significant actual genetic gains, besides their good fiber quality.12- Clustering pattern of BC1 plants appeared to be more effective in selection rather than other segregating generations.13- Examination of individuals of each selected cluster gave an opportunity to detect and select some individuals characterized by their higher potentials and better fiber properties.14- These selected individuals, of each selected cluster, could be considered as promising plants and could be used in cotton improvement program.15- Further evaluation of progenies, derived from selfing such selected individuals, assured their higher yield attributes than their original Giza parents.الــــمـلـخـــص الــعــــربــيأجرى هذا البحث في قسم بحوث تربية القطن ، معهد بحوث القطن ، مركز البحوث الزراعية بالجيزة خلال أربع مواسم زراعية من 2002 إلى 2005. واستخدم في هذه الدراسة صنفين من القطن المصري هما جيزة 85 و جيزة 86 و هما يتبعان النوع Gossypium barbadense L. مع ثلاث أصناف من القطن الأمريكي هما Tamcot Camd-e, Acala Maxxa and Palala و هما يتبعون النوع Gossypium hirsutum L. .وتهدف الدراسة إلى دراسة النتائج الوراثية المترتبة على إدخال جينات جديدة من جنس hirsutum إلى صنفين من القطن المصري و ذلك بغرض زيادة محصولهما باستخدام نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول و الناتجة من التهجين الرجعى بين نباتات الجيل الأول مع الأباء المصرية. وتم دراسة التأثيرات الوراثية لكل هجين على حدة باستخدام تكنيك تحليل متوسط مكونات الأجيال لكل الأجيال المدروسة. و امتدت الدراسة لتتبع الجينات الجديدة في الجيل الرجعى الأول باستخدام تكنيك تحليل المجموعات بغرض انتخاب بعض نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول المبشرة و التي تتفوق على الأب المصري في صفات المحصول .في موسم 2002 زرعت البذرة الذاتية للآباء و تم إجراء التهجين النوعي بينهم ، حيث استخدمت الأصناف المصرية كأمهات و الأصناف الأمريكية كأباء و ذلك للحصول على بذرة الجيل الأول F1 seeds .في موسم 2003 زرعت البذرة الذاتية للأصناف المصرية و كذلك بذرة الجيل الأول و تم إجراء التهجين الرجعى بينهم للحصول على بذرة الجيل الرجعى الأول BC1 seeds .في موسم 2004 زرعت البذرة الذاتية لكل من الأباء المصرية و الأمريكية وبذرة الجيل الأول و بذرة الجيل الرجعى الأول في تجربة قطاعات كاملة العشوائية في ثلاث مكرارت و في نهاية الموسم تم جنى النباتات الفردية و حلج كل نبات على حدة و إجراء اختبارات الجودة عليها.في موسم 2005 زرعت البذرة الذاتية للآباء المصرية و كذلك النباتات المبشرة المنتخبة من الجيل الرجعى الأول في خطوط منفصلة , و في نهاية الموسم تم جنى النباتات الفردية لكل عائلة و حلج كل نبات على حدة.تم دراسة صفات المحصول على النباتات الفردية لكل جيل وهى محصول القطن الزهر/ لوزة، محصول القطن الشعر/ لوزة ، محصول القطن الزهر/ النبات ، محصول القطن الشعر/ النبات ، تصافى الحليج و صفات الجودة و هي الطول عند 2.5% ، النعومة ، المتانة.تم تحليل البيانات على أساس متوسط القطعة التجريبية لصفات المحصول و تحليل التباين لتحديد معنوية الاختلافات المشاهدة بين الأجيال المدروسة ( P1, P2, F1 and BC1 ).تم استخدم تكنيك weighted least square لدراسة التأثيرات الوراثية m, [a] and [d] لكل الأجيال تحت الدراسة معتمدا على متوسط مكونات الأجيال . و كذلك تم حساب قوة الهجين و درجة السيادة لكل هجين.تم استخدام تكنيك Multivariate analysis باستعمال طريقة تحليل المجموعات Clustering analysis معتمدا على صفات المحصول لنباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول لكل الهجن تحت الدراسة . كما استخدم تكنيك تحليل المجموعات لانتخاب بعض النباتات المبشرة والتي تتميز بتفوقها على الأب المصري . و قيمت المجموعات المنتخبة و نباتاتها الفردية لكل من صفات المحصول و الجودة و حساب genetic gain .و يمكن تلخيص النتائج المتحصل عليها فيما يلي :-1- لوحظ وجود اختلافات عالية المعنوية بين كل من الأباء المصرية و الأمريكية لكل صفات المحصول المدروسة و كذلك بين الأصناف و بعضها البعض ، مما يعكس وجود اختلافات وراثية بين كل الأباء .2- كان معامل عدم التشابه dissimilarity coefficients معنويا بين كل الأصناف المصرية و الأمريكية فيما عدا بين الصنفين Tamcot Camd-e و Palala حيث اظهر أقل معامل عدم الشابة . تراوح معامل عدم التشابه بين 13.801 بين كل من Acala Maxxa و Palala إلي 173.633 بين كل من Giza 85 و Tamcot Camd-e ، مما يعكس الاختلاف الوراثي بينهم في النشأة و الأصل .3- لوحظ وجود اختلاقات معنوية بين الخمس هجن النوعية لمعظم صفات المحصول ، وكذلك بين أجيال كل هجين ، مما يوضح الاختلاف الوراثي بينهم .4- يتضح أن سلوك الجيل الأول كان متجها تجاه الأب المصري بالنسبة لصفات محصول القطن الزهر / لوزة و محصول القطن الشعر / لوزة في كل الهجن. في حين تفوق أو تساوى على الأصناف الأمريكية بالنسبة لصفات محصول القطن الزهر/ النبات و محصول القطن الشعر/ النبات .5- أظهر متوسط نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول للهجن تحت الدراسة نطاق عريض من التباين الوراثي لكل صفات المحصول تحت الدراسة ، مما يعنى حدوث انعزالات و التي تسمح بأجراء انتخاب في الأجيال المبكرة .6- لوحظ عدم وجود معنوية بالنسبة للتأثير الجينى المضيف في كل الهجن المدروسة لصفات المحصول ، و مع ذلك وجدت معنوية للتأثير الجينى السيادى لمعظم صفات المحصول . و من ذلك فأن التأثير الجينى السيادى سائد و أكثر وضوحا من التأثير الجينى المضيف .7- التأثير الجينى السيادى السالب يعنى أن صفة المحصول تتفوق على الأباء المصرية .8- كان معظم قوة الهجين معنوية و سالبة لكل الهجن ، مما يعنى أن تعبير قوة الهجين تتجه ناحية الأب المصري اكثر من الأب الأمريكي .9- وجدت سيادة جزيئيه سالبة لصفتي محصول القطن الزهر/ لوزة و محصول القطن الشعر/ لوزة لمعظم الهجن . و كانت سيادة فائقة موجبة بالنسبة لصفتي محصول القطن الزهر/ النبات و محصول القطن الشعر/ النبات في الهجن المحتوية على الأب الأمريكي Tamcot Camd-e و Palala . في حين كانت سيادة فائقة سالبة لصفة تصافى الحليج في كل الهجن المدروسة .10- قسم تكنيك تحليل المجموعات Clustering analysis معتمدا على صفات المحصول نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول من 3-4 مجموعات في كل الهجن و التي اختلفت في متوسط المجموعات مما يعنى حدوث انعزالات كنتيجة للتهجين النوعي .11- أظهرت بعض المجموعات أعلي تقدير لمعظم صفات المحصول و كان ترتيبها الأول، حيث زاد متوسط هذه المجموعات زيادة معنوية على الأب المصري لصفات المحصول و لذلك تم انتخابها.12- أظهرت نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول فاعلية كبيرة في عملية الانتخاب أكثر من الأجيال الانعزالية الأخرى .13- باختبار النباتات الفردية داخل المجموعات المنتخبة أتاح فرصة لاكتشاف و انتخاب بعض النباتات الفردية والتي تميزت بمحصولها العالي و جودة صفات تيلتها.14- و النباتات الفردية المنتخبة يمكن اعتبارها نباتات مبشرة مما يسمح بإمكانية استخدامها في برامج تحسين القطن .15- و أخيرا أظهر النسل الناتج من التلقيح الذاتي للنباتات المنتخبة تفوق في صفات المحصول على الأب المصري .الـنتـائج الـوراثـيـة الـمتـرتـبـة عـلـى إدخــال جـيـنـات أجـنـبـيـة إلي بـعـضالأقـطـان الـمـصـريــةرسـالـة مـقـدمـة مـنأحـمـد محـمـد عـبد المغـنى عـبد الـباقـيبكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية، كلية الزراعة بمشتهر، جامعة الزقازيق (2000)للحصـــول عـلى درجةالـمـاجـسـتـيـر فـي الـعــلـوم الــزراعــيـة(وراثـــــــة)قسـمـ الــوراثـــــةكـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـق2006الـنتـائج الـوراثـيـة الـمتـرتـبـة عـلـى إدخــال جـيـنـات أجـنـبـيـة إلي بـعـضالأقـطـان الـمـصـريــةرسـالـة مـقـدمـة مـنأحـمـد محـمـد عـبد المغـنى عـبد الـباقـيبكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية، كلية الزراعة بمشتهر، جامعة الزقازيق (2000)لـجـنـة الأشـــراف الـعـلـمـي :1- أ.د. / سـلامـة مـيـخـائـيـل عـبـد الـسيــد ..................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة المتفرغ ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـق2- أ.د. / الـسـيـد مـحـمـود مـحـجـوب .....................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقأ.د. / مـحـمـد أحـمـد رأفــــــــت .......................................الـمـديـر السـابـق لـمـعـهـد بـحـوث الـقـطـن – مـركـز الـبـحـوثالــزراعـيـة – الـجـيـزةقسـمـ الــوراثـــــةكـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقالـنتـائج الـوراثـيـة الـمتـرتـبـة عـلـى إدخــال جـيـنـات أجـنـبـيـة إلي بـعـضالأقـطـان الـمـصـريــةمـقـدمـة مـنأحـمـد محـمـد عـبد المغـنى عـبد الـباقـيبكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية، كلية الزراعة بمشتهر، جامعة الزقازيق (2000)للحصـــول عـلى درجةالـمـاجـسـتـيـر فـي الـعــلـوم الــزراعــيـة – وراثـــــةو قد تمت مناقشة الرسالة و الموافقة عليهاالـلجـنـــــــــــةأ.د. / سـلامـة مـيـخـائـيـل عـبـد الـسيــد ..........................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة المتفرغ ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقأ.د. / أحـمـد حـسن فــايـــد ...........................................أسـتاذ و رئيس قسم الـوراثــة ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقأ.د. / عبد الحميد عبد الحميد على ............................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة ــ كـلية الـزراعـة بكفر الشيخ – جـامـعـة طنطاأ.د. / الـسـيـد مـحـمـود مـحـجـوب ............................................أسـتاذ الـوراثــة ــ كـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـقتاريخ الموافقة 26 / 4 / 2006V. SUMMARYThe present investigation was carried out at Department of Cotton Breeding, Cotton Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza during the growing seasons 2002-2005.The work was aimed to study the genetic consequences of incorporating new genes from hirsutum cottons into two Egyptian cultivars via interspecific hybridization to increase their yield potentials using BC1s derived from backcrossing interspecific F1s to their Egyptian parents.The genetic effects, based on components of generation means, of studied populations within each interspecific cross were examined. The work was extended to follow incorporating of such new genes by subjecting BC1 populations to clustering analysis to select some promising BC1 plants that outperform their Egyptian parents.In the season of 2002, selfed seeds of the two Egyptian parents; Giza 85 and Giza 86; and the three American parents; Tamcot Camd-e, Acala Maxxa and Palala; were planted. Interspecific hybridization was done using the Egyptian varieties as female parents and the American ones as males, in order to obtain interspecific F1 seeds.In the season of 2003, selfed seeds of the Egyptian parents and the obtained F1 seeds were planted and the interspecific F1 plants were backcrossed to their corresponding Egyptian parents to produce BC1 seeds.In the season of 2004, selfed seeds of all parental varieties, their derived interspecific F1 seeds and their BC1 seeds were planted in complete randomized experimental design, with three replicates. At the end of this season, individual plants of each generation were separately harvested and ginnined.In the season of 2005, the selfed seeds of each selected BC1 plant in each interspecific cross were sown in separate rows, in order to evaluate such selected plants for their yield potentials.The following yield characters were studied on the individual plants basis of each population in each cross: seed cotton yield per boll, lint yield per boll, seed cotton yield per plant, lint yield per plant and lint percentage. These fiber quality characters: fiber length at 2.5% span length, fiber strength and fiber fineness were also examined among the selected plants to evaluate their fiber properties.The obtained data were statistically analyzed on the mean plot basis, for yield characters. A separate analysis of variance for the parental genotypes as well as combined analysis of variance of the interspecific crosses, and the four populations with each one, were done to detect the significance of the observed differences.The genetic effects; m, [a] and [d]; were detected based on generation mean components of the studied populations within each interspecific cross, subjecting to joint analysis using weighted least square method. Heterosis and degree of dominance were also computed.Multivariate technique was applied using clustering analysis based on yield characters, among BC1 plants of each interspecific cross. Clustering analysis was also employed to select some promising plants that surpassed their Egyptian parents. The selected clusters and their individuals were evaluated for yield and fiber quality characters comparing with their Egyptian parents and the genetic gain was estimated.The obtained results could be summarized as follow :-1- Highly significant differences were detected between Egyptian (G. barbadense L.) and American (G. hirsutum L.) cotton varieties for all studied yield characters, and within each group, there was some sort of differences in yield attributes reflecting a lot of genetic variation among these parental genotypes.2- Significant dissimilarity coefficients between all the Egyptian and American cotton parental genotypes were determined expect, between the two American parents “Tamcot Camd-e” and “Palala” showing the lowest coefficients. These significant dissimilarity coefficients, ranging from 13.801, between “Acala Maxxa” and “Palala” to 173.633, between “Giza 85” and “Tamcot Camd-e”, assured their different genetic origin and pedigree.3- Highly significant differences were observed for most studied yield attributes among the five interspecific cotton crosses, as well as populations within each one, reflecting their different genetic constitution.4- The behavior of interspecific F1’s appeared to be of intermediate scores tending to Giza parents for seed cotton yield per boll and lint yield per boll. However, F1 was equal or greater than hirsutum parents for seed cotton yield per plant and lint yield per plant.5- Performance of BC1 plants of the five interspecific cotton crosses for all studied yield characters showed a wide range of genetic variations indicating the existence of some transgerssive segregate and permitting to subject these early generations under selection.6- Most estimates of [a] were not significantly derivate from zero, however, most estimates of [d] were significant differed from zero for the studied yield characters in all interspecific crosses. Hence, the dominance effects were the prevailing and more pronounced than additive effects.7- The negative estimates of [d] indicated that yield attributes progressively directed towards the Egyptian parental values.8- Most estimations of heterosis were negative and significant among all interspecific crosses for most studied characters indicating that expressions of heterotic effects were more tended to barbadense parents rather than hirsutum ones.9- Negative partial dominance was detected for seed cotton yield or lint yield per boll among most crosses. The crosses involved American parents “Tamcot Camd-e” or “Palala” exhibited positive over dominance for seed cotton yield and lint yield per plant, while, lint percentage showed negative over dominance in all studied crosses.10- The clustering analysis classified BC1 plants of the studied interspecific crosses, based on yield characters, into 3-4 kinds of grouping, having different cluster means which might due to the existence of segregants as a result of interspecific crossing.11- Some clusters had the highest scores for almost studied yield characters and ranked firstly, exhibiting their best phenotypic expression and could be taken as selected clusters. Means of such clusters increased significantly in yield attributes comparing with their Giza parental means. Such increments were reflected in significant actual genetic gains, besides their good fiber quality.12- Clustering pattern of BC1 plants appeared to be more effective in selection rather than other segregating generations.13- Examination of individuals of each selected cluster gave an opportunity to detect and select some individuals characterized by their higher potentials and better fiber properties.14- These selected individuals, of each selected cluster, could be considered as promising plants and could be used in cotton improvement program.15- Further evaluation of progenies, derived from selfing such selected individuals, assured their higher yield attributes than their original Giza parents.الــــمـلـخـــص الــعــــربــيأجرى هذا البحث في قسم بحوث تربية القطن ، معهد بحوث القطن ، مركز البحوث الزراعية بالجيزة خلال أربع مواسم زراعية من 2002 إلى 2005. واستخدم في هذه الدراسة صنفين من القطن المصري هما جيزة 85 و جيزة 86 و هما يتبعان النوع Gossypium barbadense L. مع ثلاث أصناف من القطن الأمريكي هما Tamcot Camd-e, Acala Maxxa and Palala و هما يتبعون النوع Gossypium hirsutum L. .وتهدف الدراسة إلى دراسة النتائج الوراثية المترتبة على إدخال جينات جديدة من جنس hirsutum إلى صنفين من القطن المصري و ذلك بغرض زيادة محصولهما باستخدام نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول و الناتجة من التهجين الرجعى بين نباتات الجيل الأول مع الأباء المصرية. وتم دراسة التأثيرات الوراثية لكل هجين على حدة باستخدام تكنيك تحليل متوسط مكونات الأجيال لكل الأجيال المدروسة. و امتدت الدراسة لتتبع الجينات الجديدة في الجيل الرجعى الأول باستخدام تكنيك تحليل المجموعات بغرض انتخاب بعض نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول المبشرة و التي تتفوق على الأب المصري في صفات المحصول .في موسم 2002 زرعت البذرة الذاتية للآباء و تم إجراء التهجين النوعي بينهم ، حيث استخدمت الأصناف المصرية كأمهات و الأصناف الأمريكية كأباء و ذلك للحصول على بذرة الجيل الأول F1 seeds .في موسم 2003 زرعت البذرة الذاتية للأصناف المصرية و كذلك بذرة الجيل الأول و تم إجراء التهجين الرجعى بينهم للحصول على بذرة الجيل الرجعى الأول BC1 seeds .في موسم 2004 زرعت البذرة الذاتية لكل من الأباء المصرية و الأمريكية وبذرة الجيل الأول و بذرة الجيل الرجعى الأول في تجربة قطاعات كاملة العشوائية في ثلاث مكرارت و في نهاية الموسم تم جنى النباتات الفردية و حلج كل نبات على حدة و إجراء اختبارات الجودة عليها.في موسم 2005 زرعت البذرة الذاتية للآباء المصرية و كذلك النباتات المبشرة المنتخبة من الجيل الرجعى الأول في خطوط منفصلة , و في نهاية الموسم تم جنى النباتات الفردية لكل عائلة و حلج كل نبات على حدة.تم دراسة صفات المحصول على النباتات الفردية لكل جيل وهى محصول القطن الزهر/ لوزة، محصول القطن الشعر/ لوزة ، محصول القطن الزهر/ النبات ، محصول القطن الشعر/ النبات ، تصافى الحليج و صفات الجودة و هي الطول عند 2.5% ، النعومة ، المتانة.تم تحليل البيانات على أساس متوسط القطعة التجريبية لصفات المحصول و تحليل التباين لتحديد معنوية الاختلافات المشاهدة بين الأجيال المدروسة ( P1, P2, F1 and BC1 ).تم استخدم تكنيك weighted least square لدراسة التأثيرات الوراثية m, [a] and [d] لكل الأجيال تحت الدراسة معتمدا على متوسط مكونات الأجيال . و كذلك تم حساب قوة الهجين و درجة السيادة لكل هجين.تم استخدام تكنيك Multivariate analysis باستعمال طريقة تحليل المجموعات Clustering analysis معتمدا على صفات المحصول لنباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول لكل الهجن تحت الدراسة . كما استخدم تكنيك تحليل المجموعات لانتخاب بعض النباتات المبشرة والتي تتميز بتفوقها على الأب المصري . و قيمت المجموعات المنتخبة و نباتاتها الفردية لكل من صفات المحصول و الجودة و حساب genetic gain .و يمكن تلخيص النتائج المتحصل عليها فيما يلي :-1- لوحظ وجود اختلافات عالية المعنوية بين كل من الأباء المصرية و الأمريكية لكل صفات المحصول المدروسة و كذلك بين الأصناف و بعضها البعض ، مما يعكس وجود اختلافات وراثية بين كل الأباء .2- كان معامل عدم التشابه dissimilarity coefficients معنويا بين كل الأصناف المصرية و الأمريكية فيما عدا بين الصنفين Tamcot Camd-e و Palala حيث اظهر أقل معامل عدم الشابة . تراوح معامل عدم التشابه بين 13.801 بين كل من Acala Maxxa و Palala إلي 173.633 بين كل من Giza 85 و Tamcot Camd-e ، مما يعكس الاختلاف الوراثي بينهم في النشأة و الأصل .3- لوحظ وجود اختلاقات معنوية بين الخمس هجن النوعية لمعظم صفات المحصول ، وكذلك بين أجيال كل هجين ، مما يوضح الاختلاف الوراثي بينهم .4- يتضح أن سلوك الجيل الأول كان متجها تجاه الأب المصري بالنسبة لصفات محصول القطن الزهر / لوزة و محصول القطن الشعر / لوزة في كل الهجن. في حين تفوق أو تساوى على الأصناف الأمريكية بالنسبة لصفات محصول القطن الزهر/ النبات و محصول القطن الشعر/ النبات .5- أظهر متوسط نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول للهجن تحت الدراسة نطاق عريض من التباين الوراثي لكل صفات المحصول تحت الدراسة ، مما يعنى حدوث انعزالات و التي تسمح بأجراء انتخاب في الأجيال المبكرة .6- لوحظ عدم وجود معنوية بالنسبة للتأثير الجينى المضيف في كل الهجن المدروسة لصفات المحصول ، و مع ذلك وجدت معنوية للتأثير الجينى السيادى لمعظم صفات المحصول . و من ذلك فأن التأثير الجينى السيادى سائد و أكثر وضوحا من التأثير الجينى المضيف .7- التأثير الجينى السيادى السالب يعنى أن صفة المحصول تتفوق على الأباء المصرية .8- كان معظم قوة الهجين معنوية و سالبة لكل الهجن ، مما يعنى أن تعبير قوة الهجين تتجه ناحية الأب المصري اكثر من الأب الأمريكي .9- وجدت سيادة جزيئيه سالبة لصفتي محصول القطن الزهر/ لوزة و محصول القطن الشعر/ لوزة لمعظم الهجن . و كانت سيادة فائقة موجبة بالنسبة لصفتي محصول القطن الزهر/ النبات و محصول القطن الشعر/ النبات في الهجن المحتوية على الأب الأمريكي Tamcot Camd-e و Palala . في حين كانت سيادة فائقة سالبة لصفة تصافى الحليج في كل الهجن المدروسة .10- قسم تكنيك تحليل المجموعات Clustering analysis معتمدا على صفات المحصول نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول من 3-4 مجموعات في كل الهجن و التي اختلفت في متوسط المجموعات مما يعنى حدوث انعزالات كنتيجة للتهجين النوعي .11- أظهرت بعض المجموعات أعلي تقدير لمعظم صفات المحصول و كان ترتيبها الأول، حيث زاد متوسط هذه المجموعات زيادة معنوية على الأب المصري لصفات المحصول و لذلك تم انتخابها.12- أظهرت نباتات الجيل الرجعى الأول فاعلية كبيرة في عملية الانتخاب أكثر من الأجيال الانعزالية الأخرى .13- باختبار النباتات الفردية داخل المجموعات المنتخبة أتاح فرصة لاكتشاف و انتخاب بعض النباتات الفردية والتي تميزت بمحصولها العالي و جودة صفات تيلتها.14- و النباتات الفردية المنتخبة يمكن اعتبارها نباتات مبشرة مما يسمح بإمكانية استخدامها في برامج تحسين القطن .15- و أخيرا أظهر النسل الناتج من التلقيح الذاتي للنباتات المنتخبة تفوق في صفات المحصول على الأب المصري .الـنتـائج الـوراثـيـة الـمتـرتـبـة عـلـى إدخــال جـيـنـات أجـنـبـيـة إلي بـعـضالأقـطـان الـمـصـريــةرسـالـة مـقـدمـة مـنأحـمـد محـمـد عـبد المغـنى عـبد الـباقـيبكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية، كلية الزراعة بمشتهر، جامعة الزقازيق (2000)للحصـــول عـلى درجةالـمـاجـسـتـيـر فـي الـعــلـوم الــزراعــيـة(وراثـــــــة)قسـمـ الــوراثـــــةكـلية الـزراعـة – جـامـعـة الـزقـازيـق2006الـنتـائج الـوراثـيـة الـمتـرتـبـة عـلـى إدخــال جـيـنـات أجـنـبـيـة إلي بـعـضالأقـطـان الـمـصـريــةرسـالـة مـقـدمـة مـنأحـمـد محـمـد عـبد المغـنى عـبد الـباقـيبكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية، كلية الزراعة بمشتهر، جامعة الزقازيق (2000)4- Carbohydrate content decreased with increase of wheat germ.5- Fiber content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.6- Ash content decreased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.7- Energy density increased with the increase of wheat germ percent.8- Calcium content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.9- Iron content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.10- Phosphorus content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Potassium decreased and sodium increased with increasing wheat germ percent.12- Vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2 and B6 increased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Organoloptic properties showed that treatment 4: 85% wheat germ, 10% skim milk powder and 5% sugar obtained the highest organoloptic total scores.Designed questionnaire for mothers interview:The mothers were interviewed for their age, delivery times, economic, education levels and area of living. Also, the infants ages and weights were recorded. The obtained data was statistically analyzed using the statistical analysis system.The obtained data could be summarized as follows:1- The highest ratio of mothers age (20 – 25 >) was 22% in urban area.2- Mothers’ job classified as 28% (housewives), 9% (housewives + working in the filed), 2% (housewives + profession) and 11% (housewives + governmental work).3- Number of birth (three) was 15% in urban while three birth times was 17% in rural area.4- Time of weaning increased with increasing the infant age to reach the maximum ratio at the age up to 2 years or more.5- Most mothers preferred to use mix food.6- Most of the infant’s health was good after weaning.7- Infant weight after 6 months ranged from 6–7.5 kg.8- Infant weight after 9 monthly ranged from 7.75 – 9 kg.9- Infant weight after one year ranged from 8.5 – 10 kg.10- Infant weight after 18 months ranged from 9.5-12 kg.11- Infant weight after two years ranged from 11 kg up to 13 kg.V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONBreast milk is the perfect food for infant. It has the right amount of body building protein that the young child needs to grow. After four months, breast milk alone is not enough to make the infant grow well. Other foods need to be given in addition to breast milk. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the different types of local market infant formulas chemically.Also, several trails were carried out to use wheat germ in the manufacture of infant food formula. This work could be summarized as follow:-Local market baby food formula.Infant formula samples were collected from the Loral market. The collected samples were analyzed for chemical composition and results obtained could be summarized as fallows:1- Cerelac with cereal; fruits and vegetables had the highest fat content.2- Riri had the highest protein content.3- Nestle with wheat contained the highest carbohydrate content (84.68%).4- Nestle Cerelac with vegetables had the highest fiber content (3.00%).5- Gerber with fruits had the highest ash content (3.2%)6- Gerber with fruits had the highest moisture content (4. 35%).7- The highest sodium content obtained from Cerelac with both cereal and fruits (140 mg and 145 mg/100g respectively).8- Potassium content showed to be the highest in Nestle Cerelac with fruits (682 mg/100g).9- The highest calcium content found in Gerber with fruits (1009 mg/100g).10- The highest phosphorus content obtained from Riri with fruits (501 mg/100g).11- The highest iron content found in both Nestle with wheat (14.85 mg /100g).12- The highest Vit. A found in both Gerber with vegetables and Gerber.13- The highest amount of Vit. D (400 IU) obtained from Riri with cereal milk, Riri with fruits, Riri with vegetables and Gerber with vegetables.14- Riri and Gerber with fruits had 4 IU of Vit. B.15- The highest Vit. C Content (103 mg/100g) found in Riri with cereal milk.16- The highest Vit. B1 found in Nestle with wheat, Nestle Cerelac with fruits and Nestle Cerelac with vegetables (0.8mg/100g) for each.17- The highest Vit. B2 found in Riri cereal milk and Riri with fruits (0.8mg/100g) for each.18- All the samples had the same amount of Pantothenic acid.Baby food formula made from wheat germ:Wheat germ was used in the manufacture of infant food formula at a ratio of 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% with adding 5% sugar and the rest from skim milk powder and vanilla flavour.The samples were subjected to chemical analysis and sensory evaluation. The results obtain could be summarized as follows:1- Moisture content increased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.2- Fat content increased with increasing the added ratio of wheat germ.3- Protein content and carbohydrates decreased with increasing the added wheat germ.4- Carbohydrate content decreased with increase of wheat germ.5- Fiber content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.6- Ash content decreased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.7- Energy density increased with the increase of wheat germ percent.8- Calcium content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.9- Iron content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.10- Phosphorus content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Potassium decreased and sodium increased with increasing wheat germ percent.12- Vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2 and B6 increased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Organoloptic properties showed that treatment 4: 85% wheat germ, 10% skim milk powder and 5% sugar obtained the highest organoloptic total scores.Designed questionnaire for mothers interview:The mothers were interviewed for their age, delivery times, economic, education levels and area of living. Also, the infants ages and weights were recorded. The obtained data was statistically analyzed using the statistical analysis system.The obtained data could be summarized as follows:1- The highest ratio of mothers age (20 – 25 >) was 22% in urban area.2- Mothers’ job classified as 28% (housewives), 9% (housewives + working in the filed), 2% (housewives + profession) and 11% (housewives + governmental work).3- Number of birth (three) was 15% in urban while three birth times was 17% in rural area.4- Time of weaning increased with increasing the infant age to reach the maximum ratio at the age up to 2 years or more.5- Most mothers preferred to use mix food.6- Most of the infant’s health was good after weaning.7- Infant weight after 6 months ranged from 6–7.5 kg.8- Infant weight after 9 monthly ranged from 7.75 – 9 kg.9- Infant weight after one year ranged from 8.5 – 10 kg.10- Infant weight after 18 months ranged from 9.5-12 kg.11- Infant weight after two years ranged from 11 kg up to 13 kg.V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONBreast milk is the perfect food for infant. It has the right amount of body building protein that the young child needs to grow. After four months, breast milk alone is not enough to make the infant grow well. Other foods need to be given in addition to breast milk. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the different types of local market infant formulas chemically.Also, several trails were carried out to use wheat germ in the manufacture of infant food formula. This work could be summarized as follow:-Local market baby food formula.Infant formula samples were collected from the Loral market. The collected samples were analyzed for chemical composition and results obtained could be summarized as fallows:1- Cerelac with cereal; fruits and vegetables had the highest fat content.2- Riri had the highest protein content.3- Nestle with wheat contained the highest carbohydrate content (84.68%).4- Nestle Cerelac with vegetables had the highest fiber content (3.00%).5- Gerber with fruits had the highest ash content (3.2%)6- Gerber with fruits had the highest moisture content (4. 35%).7- The highest sodium content obtained from Cerelac with both cereal and fruits (140 mg and 145 mg/100g respectively).8- Potassium content showed to be the highest in Nestle Cerelac with fruits (682 mg/100g).9- The highest calcium content found in Gerber with fruits (1009 mg/100g).10- The highest phosphorus content obtained from Riri with fruits (501 mg/100g).11- The highest iron content found in both Nestle with wheat (14.85 mg /100g).12- The highest Vit. A found in both Gerber with vegetables and Gerber.13- The highest amount of Vit. D (400 IU) obtained from Riri with cereal milk, Riri with fruits, Riri with vegetables and Gerber with vegetables.14- Riri and Gerber with fruits had 4 IU of Vit. B.15- The highest Vit. C Content (103 mg/100g) found in Riri with cereal milk.16- The highest Vit. B1 found in Nestle with wheat, Nestle Cerelac with fruits and Nestle Cerelac with vegetables (0.8mg/100g) for each.17- The highest Vit. B2 found in Riri cereal milk and Riri with fruits (0.8mg/100g) for each.18- All the samples had the same amount of Pantothenic acid.Baby food formula made from wheat germ:Wheat germ was used in the manufacture of infant food formula at a ratio of 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% with adding 5% sugar and the rest from skim milk powder and vanilla flavour.The samples were subjected to chemical analysis and sensory evaluation. The results obtain could be summarized as follows:1- Moisture content increased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.2- Fat content increased with increasing the added ratio of wheat germ.3- Protein content and carbohydrates decreased with increasing the added wheat germ.4- Carbohydrate content decreased with increase of wheat germ.5- Fiber content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.6- Ash content decreased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.7- Energy density increased with the increase of wheat germ percent.8- Calcium content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.9- Iron content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.10- Phosphorus content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Potassium decreased and sodium increased with increasing wheat germ percent.12- Vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2 and B6 increased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Organoloptic properties showed that treatment 4: 85% wheat germ, 10% skim milk powder and 5% sugar obtained the highest organoloptic total scores.Designed questionnaire for mothers interview:The mothers were interviewed for their age, delivery times, economic, education levels and area of living. Also, the infants ages and weights were recorded. The obtained data was statistically analyzed using the statistical analysis system.The obtained data could be summarized as follows:1- The highest ratio of mothers age (20 – 25 >) was 22% in urban area.2- Mothers’ job classified as 28% (housewives), 9% (housewives + working in the filed), 2% (housewives + profession) and 11% (housewives + governmental work).3- Number of birth (three) was 15% in urban while three birth times was 17% in rural area.4- Time of weaning increased with increasing the infant age to reach the maximum ratio at the age up to 2 years or more.5- Most mothers preferred to use mix food.6- Most of the infant’s health was good after weaning.7- Infant weight after 6 months ranged from 6–7.5 kg.8- Infant weight after 9 monthly ranged from 7.75 – 9 kg.9- Infant weight after one year ranged from 8.5 – 10 kg.10- Infant weight after 18 months ranged from 9.5-12 kg.11- Infant weight after two years ranged from 11 kg up to 13 kg.V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONBreast milk is the perfect food for infant. It has the right amount of body building protein that the young child needs to grow. After four months, breast milk alone is not enough to make the infant grow well. Other foods need to be given in addition to breast milk. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the different types of local market infant formulas chemically.Also, several trails were carried out to use wheat germ in the manufacture of infant food formula. This work could be summarized as follow:-Local market baby food formula.Infant formula samples were collected from the Loral market. The collected samples were analyzed for chemical composition and results obtained could be summarized as fallows:1- Cerelac with cereal; fruits and vegetables had the highest fat content.2- Riri had the highest protein content.3- Nestle with wheat contained the highest carbohydrate content (84.68%).4- Nestle Cerelac with vegetables had the highest fiber content (3.00%).5- Gerber with fruits had the highest ash content (3.2%)6- Gerber with fruits had the highest moisture content (4. 35%).7- The highest sodium content obtained from Cerelac with both cereal and fruits (140 mg and 145 mg/100g respectively).8- Potassium content showed to be the highest in Nestle Cerelac with fruits (682 mg/100g).9- The highest calcium content found in Gerber with fruits (1009 mg/100g).10- The highest phosphorus content obtained from Riri with fruits (501 mg/100g).11- The highest iron content found in both Nestle with wheat (14.85 mg /100g).12- The highest Vit. A found in both Gerber with vegetables and Gerber.13- The highest amount of Vit. D (400 IU) obtained from Riri with cereal milk, Riri with fruits, Riri with vegetables and Gerber with vegetables.14- Riri and Gerber with fruits had 4 IU of Vit. B.15- The highest Vit. C Content (103 mg/100g) found in Riri with cereal milk.16- The highest Vit. B1 found in Nestle with wheat, Nestle Cerelac with fruits and Nestle Cerelac with vegetables (0.8mg/100g) for each.17- The highest Vit. B2 found in Riri cereal milk and Riri with fruits (0.8mg/100g) for each.18- All the samples had the same amount of Pantothenic acid.Baby food formula made from wheat germ:Wheat germ was used in the manufacture of infant food formula at a ratio of 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% with adding 5% sugar and the rest from skim milk powder and vanilla flavour.The samples were subjected to chemical analysis and sensory evaluation. The results obtain could be summarized as follows:1- Moisture content increased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.2- Fat content increased with increasing the added ratio of wheat germ.3- Protein content and carbohydrates decreased with increasing the added wheat germ.4- Carbohydrate content decreased with increase of wheat germ.5- Fiber content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.6- Ash content decreased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.7- Energy density increased with the increase of wheat germ percent.8- Calcium content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.9- Iron content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.10- Phosphorus content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Potassium decreased and sodium increased with increasing wheat germ percent.12- Vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2 and B6 increased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Organoloptic properties showed that treatment 4: 85% wheat germ, 10% skim milk powder and 5% sugar obtained the highest organoloptic total scores.Designed questionnaire for mothers interview:The mothers were interviewed for their age, delivery times, economic, education levels and area of living. Also, the infants ages and weights were recorded. The obtained data was statistically analyzed using the statistical analysis system.The obtained data could be summarized as follows:1- The highest ratio of mothers age (20 – 25 >) was 22% in urban area.2- Mothers’ job classified as 28% (housewives), 9% (housewives + working in the filed), 2% (housewives + profession) and 11% (housewives + governmental work).3- Number of birth (three) was 15% in urban while three birth times was 17% in rural area.4- Time of weaning increased with increasing the infant age to reach the maximum ratio at the age up to 2 years or more.5- Most mothers preferred to use mix food.6- Most of the infant’s health was good after weaning.7- Infant weight after 6 months ranged from 6–7.5 kg.8- Infant weight after 9 monthly ranged from 7.75 – 9 kg.9- Infant weight after one year ranged from 8.5 – 10 kg.10- Infant weight after 18 months ranged from 9.5-12 kg.11- Infant weight after two years ranged from 11 kg up to 13 kg.V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONBreast milk is the perfect food for infant. It has the right amount of body building protein that the young child needs to grow. After four months, breast milk alone is not enough to make the infant grow well. Other foods need to be given in addition to breast milk. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the different types of local market infant formulas chemically.Also, several trails were carried out to use wheat germ in the manufacture of infant food formula. This work could be summarized as follow:-Local market baby food formula.Infant formula samples were collected from the Loral market. The collected samples were analyzed for chemical composition and results obtained could be summarized as fallows:1- Cerelac with cereal; fruits and vegetables had the highest fat content.2- Riri had the highest protein content.3- Nestle with wheat contained the highest carbohydrate content (84.68%).4- Nestle Cerelac with vegetables had the highest fiber content (3.00%).5- Gerber with fruits had the highest ash content (3.2%)6- Gerber with fruits had the highest moisture content (4. 35%).7- The highest sodium content obtained from Cerelac with both cereal and fruits (140 mg and 145 mg/100g respectively).8- Potassium content showed to be the highest in Nestle Cerelac with fruits (682 mg/100g).9- The highest calcium content found in Gerber with fruits (1009 mg/100g).10- The highest phosphorus content obtained from Riri with fruits (501 mg/100g).11- The highest iron content found in both Nestle with wheat (14.85 mg /100g).12- The highest Vit. A found in both Gerber with vegetables and Gerber.13- The highest amount of Vit. D (400 IU) obtained from Riri with cereal milk, Riri with fruits, Riri with vegetables and Gerber with vegetables.14- Riri and Gerber with fruits had 4 IU of Vit. B.15- The highest Vit. C Content (103 mg/100g) found in Riri with cereal milk.16- The highest Vit. B1 found in Nestle with wheat, Nestle Cerelac with fruits and Nestle Cerelac with vegetables (0.8mg/100g) for each.17- The highest Vit. B2 found in Riri cereal milk and Riri with fruits (0.8mg/100g) for each.18- All the samples had the same amount of Pantothenic acid.Baby food formula made from wheat germ:Wheat germ was used in the manufacture of infant food formula at a ratio of 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% with adding 5% sugar and the rest from skim milk powder and vanilla flavour.The samples were subjected to chemical analysis and sensory evaluation. The results obtain could be summarized as follows:1- Moisture content increased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.2- Fat content increased with increasing the added ratio of wheat germ.3- Protein content and carbohydrates decreased with increasing the added wheat germ.4- Carbohydrate content decreased with increase of wheat germ.5- Fiber content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.6- Ash content decreased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.7- Energy density increased with the increase of wheat germ percent.8- Calcium content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.9- Iron content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.10- Phosphorus content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Potassium decreased and sodium increased with increasing wheat germ percent.12- Vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2 and B6 increased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Organoloptic properties showed that treatment 4: 85% wheat germ, 10% skim milk powder and 5% sugar obtained the highest organoloptic total scores.Designed questionnaire for mothers interview:The mothers were interviewed for their age, delivery times, economic, education levels and area of living. Also, the infants ages and weights were recorded. The obtained data was statistically analyzed using the statistical analysis system.The obtained data could be summarized as follows:1- The highest ratio of mothers age (20 – 25 >) was 22% in urban area.2- Mothers’ job classified as 28% (housewives), 9% (housewives + working in the filed), 2% (housewives + profession) and 11% (housewives + governmental work).3- Number of birth (three) was 15% in urban while three birth times was 17% in rural area.4- Time of weaning increased with increasing the infant age to reach the maximum ratio at the age up to 2 years or more.5- Most mothers preferred to use mix food.6- Most of the infant’s health was good after weaning.7- Infant weight after 6 months ranged from 6–7.5 kg.8- Infant weight after 9 monthly ranged from 7.75 – 9 kg.9- Infant weight after one year ranged from 8.5 – 10 kg.10- Infant weight after 18 months ranged from 9.5-12 kg.11- Infant weight after two years ranged from 11 kg up to 13 kg.V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONBreast milk is the perfect food for infant. It has the right amount of body building protein that the young child needs to grow. After four months, breast milk alone is not enough to make the infant grow well. Other foods need to be given in addition to breast milk. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the different types of local market infant formulas chemically.Also, several trails were carried out to use wheat germ in the manufacture of infant food formula. This work could be summarized as follow:-Local market baby food formula.Infant formula samples were collected from the Loral market. The collected samples were analyzed for chemical composition and results obtained could be summarized as fallows:1- Cerelac with cereal; fruits and vegetables had the highest fat content.2- Riri had the highest protein content.3- Nestle with wheat contained the highest carbohydrate content (84.68%).4- Nestle Cerelac with vegetables had the highest fiber content (3.00%).5- Gerber with fruits had the highest ash content (3.2%)6- Gerber with fruits had the highest moisture content (4. 35%).7- The highest sodium content obtained from Cerelac with both cereal and fruits (140 mg and 145 mg/100g respectively).8- Potassium content showed to be the highest in Nestle Cerelac with fruits (682 mg/100g).9- The highest calcium content found in Gerber with fruits (1009 mg/100g).10- The highest phosphorus content obtained from Riri with fruits (501 mg/100g).11- The highest iron content found in both Nestle with wheat (14.85 mg /100g).12- The highest Vit. A found in both Gerber with vegetables and Gerber.13- The highest amount of Vit. D (400 IU) obtained from Riri with cereal milk, Riri with fruits, Riri with vegetables and Gerber with vegetables.14- Riri and Gerber with fruits had 4 IU of Vit. B.15- The highest Vit. C Content (103 mg/100g) found in Riri with cereal milk.16- The highest Vit. B1 found in Nestle with wheat, Nestle Cerelac with fruits and Nestle Cerelac with vegetables (0.8mg/100g) for each.17- The highest Vit. B2 found in Riri cereal milk and Riri with fruits (0.8mg/100g) for each.18- All the samples had the same amount of Pantothenic acid.Baby food formula made from wheat germ:Wheat germ was used in the manufacture of infant food formula at a ratio of 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% with adding 5% sugar and the rest from skim milk powder and vanilla flavour.The samples were subjected to chemical analysis and sensory evaluation. The results obtain could be summarized as follows:1- Moisture content increased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.2- Fat content increased with increasing the added ratio of wheat germ.3- Protein content and carbohydrates decreased with increasing the added wheat germ.4- Carbohydrate content decreased with increase of wheat germ.5- Fiber content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.6- Ash content decreased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.7- Energy density increased with the increase of wheat germ percent.8- Calcium content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.9- Iron content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.10- Phosphorus content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Potassium decreased and sodium increased with increasing wheat germ percent.12- Vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2 and B6 increased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Organoloptic properties showed that treatment 4: 85% wheat germ, 10% skim milk powder and 5% sugar obtained the highest organoloptic total scores.Designed questionnaire for mothers interview:The mothers were interviewed for their age, delivery times, economic, education levels and area of living. Also, the infants ages and weights were recorded. The obtained data was statistically analyzed using the statistical analysis system.The obtained data could be summarized as follows:1- The highest ratio of mothers age (20 – 25 >) was 22% in urban area.2- Mothers’ job classified as 28% (housewives), 9% (housewives + working in the filed), 2% (housewives + profession) and 11% (housewives + governmental work).3- Number of birth (three) was 15% in urban while three birth times was 17% in rural area.4- Time of weaning increased with increasing the infant age to reach the maximum ratio at the age up to 2 years or more.5- Most mothers preferred to use mix food.6- Most of the infant’s health was good after weaning.7- Infant weight after 6 months ranged from 6–7.5 kg.8- Infant weight after 9 monthly ranged from 7.75 – 9 kg.9- Infant weight after one year ranged from 8.5 – 10 kg.10- Infant weight after 18 months ranged from 9.5-12 kg.11- Infant weight after two years ranged from 11 kg up to 13 kg.V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONBreast milk is the perfect food for infant. It has the right amount of body building protein that the young child needs to grow. After four months, breast milk alone is not enough to make the infant grow well. Other foods need to be given in addition to breast milk. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the different types of local market infant formulas chemically.Also, several trails were carried out to use wheat germ in the manufacture of infant food formula. This work could be summarized as follow:-Local market baby food formula.Infant formula samples were collected from the Loral market. The collected samples were analyzed for chemical composition and results obtained could be summarized as fallows:1- Cerelac with cereal; fruits and vegetables had the highest fat content.2- Riri had the highest protein content.3- Nestle with wheat contained the highest carbohydrate content (84.68%).4- Nestle Cerelac with vegetables had the highest fiber content (3.00%).5- Gerber with fruits had the highest ash content (3.2%)6- Gerber with fruits had the highest moisture content (4. 35%).7- The highest sodium content obtained from Cerelac with both cereal and fruits (140 mg and 145 mg/100g respectively).8- Potassium content showed to be the highest in Nestle Cerelac with fruits (682 mg/100g).9- The highest calcium content found in Gerber with fruits (1009 mg/100g).10- The highest phosphorus content obtained from Riri with fruits (501 mg/100g).11- The highest iron content found in both Nestle with wheat (14.85 mg /100g).12- The highest Vit. A found in both Gerber with vegetables and Gerber.13- The highest amount of Vit. D (400 IU) obtained from Riri with cereal milk, Riri with fruits, Riri with vegetables and Gerber with vegetables.14- Riri and Gerber with fruits had 4 IU of Vit. B.15- The highest Vit. C Content (103 mg/100g) found in Riri with cereal milk.16- The highest Vit. B1 found in Nestle with wheat, Nestle Cerelac with fruits and Nestle Cerelac with vegetables (0.8mg/100g) for each.17- The highest Vit. B2 found in Riri cereal milk and Riri with fruits (0.8mg/100g) for each.18- All the samples had the same amount of Pantothenic acid.Baby food formula made from wheat germ:Wheat germ was used in the manufacture of infant food formula at a ratio of 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% with adding 5% sugar and the rest from skim milk powder and vanilla flavour.The samples were subjected to chemical analysis and sensory evaluation. The results obtain could be summarized as follows:1- Moisture content increased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.2- Fat content increased with increasing the added ratio of wheat germ.3- Protein content and carbohydrates decreased with increasing the added wheat germ.4- Carbohydrate content decreased with increase of wheat germ.5- Fiber content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.6- Ash content decreased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.7- Energy density increased with the increase of wheat germ percent.8- Calcium content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.9- Iron content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.10- Phosphorus content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Potassium decreased and sodium increased with increasing wheat germ percent.12- Vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2 and B6 increased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Organoloptic properties showed that treatment 4: 85% wheat germ, 10% skim milk powder and 5% sugar obtained the highest organoloptic total scores.Designed questionnaire for mothers interview:The mothers were interviewed for their age, delivery times, economic, education levels and area of living. Also, the infants ages and weights were recorded. The obtained data was statistically analyzed using the statistical analysis system.The obtained data could be summarized as follows:1- The highest ratio of mothers age (20 – 25 >) was 22% in urban area.2- Mothers’ job classified as 28% (housewives), 9% (housewives + working in the filed), 2% (housewives + profession) and 11% (housewives + governmental work).3- Number of birth (three) was 15% in urban while three birth times was 17% in rural area.4- Time of weaning increased with increasing the infant age to reach the maximum ratio at the age up to 2 years or more.5- Most mothers preferred to use mix food.6- Most of the infant’s health was good after weaning.7- Infant weight after 6 months ranged from 6–7.5 kg.8- Infant weight after 9 monthly ranged from 7.75 – 9 kg.9- Infant weight after one year ranged from 8.5 – 10 kg.10- Infant weight after 18 months ranged from 9.5-12 kg.11- Infant weight after two years ranged from 11 kg up to 13 kg.V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONBreast milk is the perfect food for infant. It has the right amount of body building protein that the young child needs to grow. After four months, breast milk alone is not enough to make the infant grow well. Other foods need to be given in addition to breast milk. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the different types of local market infant formulas chemically.Also, several trails were carried out to use wheat germ in the manufacture of infant food formula. This work could be summarized as follow:-Local market baby food formula.Infant formula samples were collected from the Loral market. The collected samples were analyzed for chemical composition and results obtained could be summarized as fallows:1- Cerelac with cereal; fruits and vegetables had the highest fat content.2- Riri had the highest protein content.3- Nestle with wheat contained the highest carbohydrate content (84.68%).4- Nestle Cerelac with vegetables had the highest fiber content (3.00%).5- Gerber with fruits had the highest ash content (3.2%)6- Gerber with fruits had the highest moisture content (4. 35%).7- The highest sodium content obtained from Cerelac with both cereal and fruits (140 mg and 145 mg/100g respectively).8- Potassium content showed to be the highest in Nestle Cerelac with fruits (682 mg/100g).9- The highest calcium content found in Gerber with fruits (1009 mg/100g).10- The highest phosphorus content obtained from Riri with fruits (501 mg/100g).11- The highest iron content found in both Nestle with wheat (14.85 mg /100g).12- The highest Vit. A found in both Gerber with vegetables and Gerber.13- The highest amount of Vit. D (400 IU) obtained from Riri with cereal milk, Riri with fruits, Riri with vegetables and Gerber with vegetables.14- Riri and Gerber with fruits had 4 IU of Vit. B.15- The highest Vit. C Content (103 mg/100g) found in Riri with cereal milk.16- The highest Vit. B1 found in Nestle with wheat, Nestle Cerelac with fruits and Nestle Cerelac with vegetables (0.8mg/100g) for each.17- The highest Vit. B2 found in Riri cereal milk and Riri with fruits (0.8mg/100g) for each.18- All the samples had the same amount of Pantothenic acid.Baby food formula made from wheat germ:Wheat germ was used in the manufacture of infant food formula at a ratio of 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% with adding 5% sugar and the rest from skim milk powder and vanilla flavour.The samples were subjected to chemical analysis and sensory evaluation. The results obtain could be summarized as follows:1- Moisture content increased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.2- Fat content increased with increasing the added ratio of wheat germ.3- Protein content and carbohydrates decreased with increasing the added wheat germ.4- Carbohydrate content decreased with increase of wheat germ.5- Fiber content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.6- Ash content decreased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.7- Energy density increased with the increase of wheat germ percent.8- Calcium content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.9- Iron content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.10- Phosphorus content decreased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Potassium decreased and sodium increased with increasing wheat germ percent.12- Vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2 and B6 increased with increasing wheat germ percent.11- Organoloptic properties showed that treatment 4: 85% wheat germ, 10% skim milk powder and 5% sugar obtained the highest organoloptic total scores.Designed questionnaire for mothers interview:The mothers were interviewed for their age, delivery times, economic, education levels and area of living. Also, the infants ages and weights were recorded. The obtained data was statistically analyzed using the statistical analysis system.The obtained data could be summarized as follows:1- The highest ratio of mothers age (20 – 25 >) was 22% in urban area.2- Mothers’ job classified as 28% (housewives), 9% (housewives + working in the filed), 2% (housewives + profession) and 11% (housewives + governmental work).3- Number of birth (three) was 15% in urban while three birth times was 17% in rural area.4- Time of weaning increased with increasing the infant age to reach the maximum ratio at the age up to 2 years or more.5- Most mothers preferred to use mix food.6- Most of the infant’s health was good after weaning.7- Infant weight after 6 months ranged from 6–7.5 kg.8- Infant weight after 9 monthly ranged from 7.75 – 9 kg.9- Infant weight after one year ranged from 8.5 – 10 kg.10- Infant weight after 18 months ranged from 9.5-12 kg.11- Infant weight after two years ranged from 11 kg up to 13 kg.V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONBreast milk is the perfect food for infant. It has the right amount of body building protein that the young child needs to grow. After four months, breast milk alone is not enough to make the infant grow well. Other foods need to be given in addition to breast milk. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the different types of local market infant formulas chemically.Also, several trails were carried out to use wheat germ in the manufacture of infant food formula. This work could be summarized as follow:-Local market baby food formula.Infant formula samples were collected from the Loral market. The collected samples were analyzed for chemical composition and results obtained could be summarized as fallows:1- Cerelac with cereal; fruits and vegetables had the highest fat content.2- Riri had the highest protein content.3- Nestle with wheat contained the highest carbohydrate content (84.68%).4- Nestle Cerelac with vegetables had the highest fiber content (3.00%).5- Gerber with fruits had the highest ash content (3.2%)6- Gerber with fruits had the highest moisture content (4. 35%).7- The highest sodium content obtained from Cerelac with both cereal and fruits (140 mg and 145 mg/100g respectively).8- Potassium content showed to be the highest in Nestle Cerelac with fruits (682 mg/100g).9- The highest calcium content found in Gerber with fruits (1009 mg/100g).10- The highest phosphorus content obtained from Riri with fruits (501 mg/100g).11- The highest iron content found in both Nestle with wheat (14.85 mg /100g).12- The highest Vit. A found in both Gerber with vegetables and Gerber.13- The highest amount of Vit. D (400 IU) obtained from Riri with cereal milk, Riri with fruits, Riri with vegetables and Gerber with vegetables.14- Riri and Gerber with fruits had 4 IU of Vit. B.15- The highest Vit. C Content (103 mg/100g) found in Riri with cereal milk.16- The highest Vit. B1 found in Nestle with wheat, Nestle Cerelac with fruits and Nestle Cerelac with vegetables (0.8mg/100g) for each.17- The highest Vit. B2 found in Riri cereal milk and Riri with fruits (0.8mg/100g) for each.18- All the samples had the same amount of Pantothenic acid.Baby food formula made from wheat germ:Wheat germ was used in the manufacture of infant food formula at a ratio of 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% with adding 5% sugar and the rest from skim milk powder and vanilla flavour.The samples were subjected to chemical analysis and sensory evaluation. The results obtain could be summarized as follows:1- Moisture content increased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.2- Fat content increased with increasing the added ratio of wheat germ.3- Protein content and carbohydrates decreased with increasing the added wheat germ.4- Carbohydrate content decreased with increase of wheat germ.5- Fiber content increased with increasing wheat germ percent.6- Ash content decreased slightly with increasing wheat germ percent.7- Energy density increased with the increase of wheat germ percent.VI. LITIRATURE CITEDAbdelal, A.F.1964. The effect of time of application and concentration of gibberellin on the development of prickly pear pathenocarpic fruits.The Egyptia 

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