Effect of some agricultural treatments on roselle plant in the new cultivated soils

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2005
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 113
BibID 9684819
Keywords : roselle    
The present work aimed to improve roselle plant productivity of sepals and anthocyanin by using the best treatments of complete fertilizer (foliar –x) concentrations and number of sprays as well as irrigation intervals. Besides studying the effects of these treatments on the growth, yield components, anthocyanin production and some chemical constituents (carbohydrate, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) of roselle plant under sandy soils and drip irrigation system conditions.Generally, roselle plants must be fertilized with complete fertilizer (foliar-x) at 4000 ppm concentration as four foliar sprays to obtain the highest productivity of sepals and anthocyanin pigment. Moreover, roselle plants must be irrigated every three days to obtain the highest productivity of anthocyanin pigment and every seven days to obtain the highest productivity of sepals under sandy soil and drip irrigation system conditions at El-Kassasin region. 