Studies on the cowpea pod borer, etiella zinckenella tr.gwh28-dgcmp-p6rc4-6j4mt-3hfdy

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2004
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 313
BibID 9757353
Keywords : pests    
the studies aimed to throw more light on the ecology and control of the cowpea pod borer as shown in the following points:1-Host plants at different regions of Sharkia Governorate.2-Seasonal population fluctuations on the two main hosts of cowpea and lablab.3-Nocturnal flight activity of moths.4-Susceptibility of eight cowpea varieties to natural infestation with the insect.5-Effect of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium chemical fertilizers as well organic fertilization on the insect occurrence.6-Effect of irrigation regime on cowpea infestation with the insect.7-Effect of weeds picking on the insect occurrence.8-Chemical control against this insect by applying certain bio- and conventional insecticides. 