Effect of tillage practices on soil erosion by wind under conditions

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2005
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 131
BibID 9683243
Keywords : Soils    
This study aimed to use different seedbed preparation machines under different tillage practices to evaluate the quantity of soil loss by wind erosion due to tillage practices on two types of soils sandy loam and sandy clay loam respectively. The cultivated crops through the seasons in Nubaria site were wheat (Oct-2000), Corn silage (Jun-2001), Potato (Sep-2001), Pea (Sep-2001), Potato (Nov-2001), Peanut (Apr-2002), Corn silage (May-2002), Potato (Nov-2002), Potato (Mar-2003) and Corn silage (May-2003), while the cultivated crops in Maryut station site were Barley (Dec-2001), Sorghum (Jul-2002), Barley (Dec-2002) and Sorghum (Jul-2003). The ridge height and distance between the ridges effect mainly on the soil ridge roughness because of the final shape of the ground due to the usage of the planting machine. The combination unit gave the lowest value in most cultivated crops, in addition increasing the speed of the tillage equipment lead to decrease in the soil ridge roughness due to the pulverization of the soil. The soil erodibility index values before tillage was less than after tillage and there is a general increase with increasing the operating speed of the tillage machine which gave values of the percentage aggregates less than 0.84 mm, The value of vegetation cover decreased after applying all tillage treatments. Also increasing the speed operation lead to decrease in the value of vegetation cover. The highest record was under treatment of no-tillage practice on the soil, while the combination unit was the lowest one. On the soil loss due to wind and tillage treatments, increasing the operating speed increase the loss of soil, and also more disturbance of the soil increase the effect of soil loss, and as a general the West Nubaria was in the soil loss more than Maryut because of the heavy behavior of the soil under Maryut station as compared with West Nubaria. The lowest yield value was found in no-tillage, while the highest one was different according every crop, but the combination unit was the popular at most. 