Effect of some irrigation systems on drainage process

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2007
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 73
BibID 3201573
Keywords : irrigation systems on drainage    
Cares about the world today to increase agricultural production in order to meet the request of the increase of food and especially in developing countries. Experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station in Ismailia governorate to study the effect of some irrigation systems on the exchange process, crop yield and moisture and salinity distribution under different types of agriculture wheat crop during the seasons 2003/2004. And may experiment was divided into Maameltein one primary and the other secondary. Home Treatment: The land was divided into three pieces were used in each piece of random manner different irrigation method are: 1. Surface irrigation. 2. Sprinkler irrigation. 3. Drip irrigation. Sub-treatment: where to divide each piece into three pieces were used in each piece of random manner different cultivation method are: 1. House agriculture. 2. Underline cultivation in one direction. 3. Underline cultivation in two directions. And may experiments resulted in the following conclusions: 1 - The amount of irrigation water: Results show that drip irrigation has provided 437.6 m3 / feddan 21.88% and sprinkler irrigation 344 m3 / feddan 17.20% compared to surface irrigation. The ground water level was not affected by changing farming methods. 2 - yield and its components: the results found that the grain and straw may be affected by changing the irrigation system. The results yielded that the amount of grain was 3216.44, 3210.22 and 3302.22 kg / acre. And straw were 4.22, 4.33 and 4.42 tons / acre. For each of the surface irrigation drip and sprinkler respectively. 3 - Distribution of moisture in soil: from the results obtained it was found that the moisture distribution at least as far we are from emitters in the vertical and horizontal directions. The highest level of moisture in the surface layers. The results were the same in sprinkler irrigation. But under the surface Waller, the humidity has increased. Previous conclude that under the surface irrigation system, we need to exchange. 4 - istribution of salinity in the soil: A - under the surface irrigation system: the results show that the concentration of salinity at least under the surface irrigation system, as there was no significant difference in the concentration of salt in different depths of soil. B - under the drip irrigation system: The results found that the concentration of salt increases during different periods of growth as there was no significant difference in the concentration of salt in different depths of soil. C - under sprinkler irrigation system: The results found that the concentration is not affected by salinity during different periods of growth, but increases in different depths of soil. 5 - efficient use of water: it was found that the highest value of water-use efficiency was using drip irrigation system under agriculture Baltstir in two directions. 