Studies on yeasts and molds and their role in dairy products

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2006
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 259
BibID 3199593
Keywords : dairy    
The main idea is their role in causing defects in dairy products. So that the main aim of the present work is throwing some light on the different defects caused by the yeasts and molds in some dairy products. The isolation of these microorganisms and serious trials on the identification of such isolated strains is considered to be an important. In order to achieve this goal more than hundred cheese samples were purchased from the local market and the defects were recognized, from the defected portions, the different strains of yeasts and molds were isolated and then subjected for identification. This was followed by studying such defected products and which contain a well known aflatoxins strains on its aflatoxins content. The results revealed that these cheese samples did not contain aflatoxins 