Effect of some Gibberellin Treatments on Washington Navel Orange trees

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1997
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 85
BibID 10530593
Keywords : Pomology    
In Sharkia governorate, citrus are also among the main fruit crops Inn 1996. the total citrus acreage in sharki Gvernorate was 57093 feds, with total production of 393941.7 tons The area under orange trees attained 32076 feds. with total production 231749.1 tones (Ministry of Agric. Statistics,1996).The present investigation aimed mainly to save the relatively, small acreage of Washington Navel Orange still Growing in desert Locations, This would be Avaialable if retention of the fruitlets was promoted and DROP of the fruitelets was prohibited using a growth regulator like GA3. 