Studies On Certain Hemipterous Insects Infesting Some Fruit Sharkia Governorate Egypt

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1999
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 112
BibID 10530680
Keywords : Fruit    
Rearing of D. maidis and determination the transmission efficient of MBSM by D. maidis and the minimum and maximum incubation and retentionperiods of MBSM in D. maidis. Extraction of phytoplasma DNA from both plant and insect tissues .Analyzing DNAS extracted from the MBSM unfected maize, and D. maidis for presence of the causal phytoplasma by using PCR method. Using the latter RNA primers during a comparative study of several maize bushy stunt phtoplasma isolates originating from different geographic locaities. 