Some Studies On Fish Growth

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1996
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 184
BibID 10473432
Keywords : Fish    
Thedemand for animal protein is increasing in Egypt. Production of animal protein is insufficient and too expensive. This means great need for developing ang expanding fish farming. The Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) , common carp (C. carpio L.) andmullet Mugil capito) have become a top priority fish for culture in Egypt which need more amount of diets . Accordingly , thecheap and balanced diets become more demanded. The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical, biochemical and biological values of dried poultry hatchery waste (DPHW) and its effects ongrowth performance of nile tilapia, common carp and mullet whlch were fed diets containing different tevels of DPHW instead of local fish meal.Is the possible utilization of DPHW will give a partial solution of feed shortage and to prepare relatively cheap and balanced fish diet?. 