Genotoxicity Of Nitrogen Fertilizers On Drosophila

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1998
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 87
BibID 10498544
Keywords : genetics    
Since the beginning of life, the man tried to control his environment to oppose a high necessity of food that required for the frequently increase in human population. Consequently, great efforts have been done to improve the capability of agricultural system to overcome these problems. Dealing with this matter, different chemicals have been introduced to human environment as component of modern agriculture,e.g., ferilizers, growth regulator hormones and pesticides.The present study aimes to investigate and evalute the differential sensitivity of Drosophila melanogaster to the mutagenicity of three essential different nitrogen fertilizers (ursa , ammonium sulfate and calcium nitrate ) . The methods that have been employed to achieve this goal were aneuploidy test and isozymes electrophoretic patterns that have been used to reveal the genetic alterations occur in germ line cells. 