Physiological Studies on the Effects Soil Salinity and Fertilization on Nigella Sativa Plants

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1997
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 212
BibID 10441701
Keywords : Field crops    
Therefore, the present investigation aimed to: -Clarifying, to what extent can NIGELLA Sativa Plants tolerate Soil Salinity condition. Elucidating, the influences of trace elements mixture or complete Fertilization treatments on raising the productivity of Seeds and Oil of Negella Sativa Plants. treatments to overcome the harmful effects of soil salinity condition and to improve the growth, seeds and oil production of Nigella sativa plants. Studying correlation coefficients between some characters of growth, seeds yield, oil content and some chemical constituents of Nigella sativa plants under the effects of soil salinity, trace elements mixture or complete fertilization treatments. 