Effect of Fertilization and Interseeding Clover With Italian Ryegrass And Barley on The Yield, Nutritive Analysis And Feeding Value of Hays In Metabolism Trials With Sheep

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1980
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 177
BibID 10438413
Keywords : Sheep    
Egyptian clover ( Trirolium alex andrinum L. )or berseem is still remaining the main forage crop in A. R. Egypt available during the winter time ( December - May,), being also the main feed for livestock ( rummminants, donkeics and rabite ) amounting to about 4 million tons starch value, i.e. 70% of avalable feed units per anum . Improving olover production is of great importance realized by nutritiontsts and agronimists in reaearch cnters in Egypt perticularly animal and agronomy production departments, Cairo university. Reasearch was directed since the late fifty to improve olover yield and feeding value by every possible means including agricultural and methods of preservation as reviewed in details by Ibrahim (Mrs) , 1975 . This work Study the effect of fertilization along with interseeding cereals with clover on yield and feeding value. 