Studies on Carbohydrate Metabolism In Young Ruminants

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1972
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 85
BibID 10423410
Keywords : Ruminants    
Energy is the first demand of all animals and carbohdrates are the main and the most readily available source of energy. They contribute the greatest part of human and animal diets. In spite of the amazing developments which took place in this field, there is, still, lake of information, for instance, on the picture of blood glucose on different diets and at different times of feeding. It is a well established fact that the main end products of carbohydrate breakdown in the rumen of adult animals are volatile fatty acids which provide the animal with over 50 % of its energy needs. The main object of this experiment was to study carobhydrate metaboilism in young lambs when fed rations differ in their concentrations of energy and protein It is anticipated that carbohydrate metabolism will be affected by the advance of the animals in age and the energy - protein ratio. 