Studies on yield potentiality of giza177 and sakha 101 rice cultivars under the effect of biofertilization and splitting of nitrogen

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2005
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 155
BibID 3199514
Keywords : rice    
In Egypt, rice plays a great role affecting the policy of irrigation water use. According to this policy, rice cultivated area should not exceed 1.2 million feddan. However, the actual cultivated area exceeded 1.5 million feddans in 2004, as farmers found it more profitable than the other summer crops, particularly maize. The national average rice yield amounted to 4.12 ton / Fad due to the use of high yielding rice cultivars and the adoption of the proper agronomic practices .the present study aimed to find out the response of two rice cultivars, of different growth durations, to algalization and splitting of two N fertilization levels compared with a check N treatment on grain yield, grain quality characters and N use efficiency. 