Response of potato crop to biofertilizers, irrigation and antitranspirants under Sandy soil conditions

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2005
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 172
BibID 9715011
Keywords : Soil fertitg    
This work was carried out during the two successive summer seasons of 2001 and 2002 at EL-Khattara Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, to study the effect of water quantity, antitranspirants (AT’s), irrigation intervals and mineral and biofertilizers on growth, yield and blade anatomy of potato under sandy soil conditions. The obtained results could be summarized as follows:Water quantity at 2000 m3/fed recorded maximum values of total dry weight / plant, free and total water (%), transpiration rate and total yield, whereas water quantity at 500 m3/fed recorded maximum bound water, prolein content in leaves tissues and WUE. The highest values of total yield and its components were achieved after spraying with Kaolin or whitewash (CaCO3) at 4% or 6%, each and KCl at 1% under the highest level of water quantity; i.e., 2000 m3/fed without significant differences between the two treatments. Moreover, treating potato plants with the same antitranspirants at 6%, each under the lowest level of water quantity; i.e, 500 m3 /fed gave the highest values of WUE. Spraying with Kaolin or CaCO3 at 6% recorded maximum total dry weight, free and total water, transpiration rate, total yield and cell length of adaxial. Irrigation every two days gave the highest values of free and total water, transpiration rate, yield and its components as well as WUE. 