Effect of biofertilizers in comparison with other fertilizers on the productivity and quality of pea and tomato under sandy soil conditions

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2006
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 187
BibID 3201870
Keywords : Vegetables    
Two field experiments were carried out during the two successive winter seasons of 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 at EL-Khattara Experimental Farm, Fac. Agric., Zagazig University to study the effect of sulphur (S), phosphorus fertilizer (P2O5) and bio-fertilizer (phosphorein) on growth, plant chemical composition, yield and its components and fruit quality of tomato, and also to study the effect of mineral nitrogen and phosphorus as well as bio-fertilizers (rizobactrein, okadein and phosphorein) each alone or in combination on plant growth, plant chemical composition , yield and its components as well as seed quality of pea under sandy soil conditions using drip irrigation system .The triple interaction among sulphur at 500 kg/fed, phosphorus at 60 kg/fed and phosphorein at 1.2 kg/fed gave the highest values of stem length and number of branches/plant, while the interaction among sulphur at 500kg/fed, phosphorus at 45 kg/fed and phosphorein at 1.2 kg/fed gave the highest values of dry weight of roots, leaves, branches, and total dry weight/ plant, number of fruits/plant, average fruit weight, yield / plant, early yield and total yield/feddan. 