Optimum landuse planning for some newly reclaimed soils in west of suez canal area, using remote sensing techniques

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2006
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 159
BibID 3195835
Keywords : soils    
) The current study aims at using remote sensing techniques for optimum landuse planning of the area located north Ismaillia - south Port Said Governorates on the west side of Suez Canal. It is bounded by longitudes 32° 02′ 32” E and latitudes 30° 41′ 31” N. Great part of this area is under reclamation and still suffering from inadequate landuse. To realize the objectives of this study, the row data of Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) images were manipulated and enhanced using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Through these images, explanatory maps could be achieved. The mapping units then verified in the filed by the testing augers (721) for boundary accuracy among the different mapping units. Three sample areas were selected to represent the different mapping units, and then representative soil profiles were identified. Twenty three soil profiles were dug to represent the different mapping units. The soil profiles were carefully described in situ .The morphological description was carefully noted. Soil as well as surface & ground water samples were collected for laboratory analyses. 