Physiological studies on Controlling the Growth and Flowering of EUPHORBIA PULCHERRIMA

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1993
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 258
BibID 10538824
Keywords : Poinsettias    
Poinsettia ( Euphorbia Pulcherrima ) is one of the most popular flowering pot plants elsewhere in the world, particularly in the United States . Canada and Western European Countries, where they produced it for the christmas season ( James, 1980 ). The Indains also had practical uses for the poinsettia plant . A reddish purple dye was mad from the bracts . from the latex, a medicinal preparation was mad to counteract fever ( Gad, 1987 ). The aim of this work Studing the effects of paclobutrazol, NPK fertilization and light durations as well as their combination treatmens on the growth, flowering and chemical constituents of poinsettia as a flowering potted plant as early as possible from the natural flowering time. - Clarifying correlaation Coefficients b etween some some characters of Poinsettia plant. 