Environmental and Genetical Factors Affecting Productivity and Quality of Some strains of Fayoumi Chickens

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1990
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 239
BibID 10447343
Keywords : Poultry    
The native breeds of chickens in Egypt are small in size and of medium growth rate, but they are well adapted to the prevailing environmental conditions. It was thought that the introduction and acclimatization of the high-producting standard breeds of chickens could raise the production of eggs and chicken meat in Egypt. Also, the crossing of these high-producing standard breeds with the nativ breeds was thought to produce progennies combining the high productivity characters of the foreign breeds and the adaptive characters of the native affect feed conversion such as: the nutritive value of the rations, the use of hormones and antibiotics, whother the birds are in confinement or free range, sex and the season of the year. 