Role Of Organic Matter On Availability Of Some Micronutrients In Soils

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1989
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 138
BibID 10538886
Keywords : Soils    
Sandy and calcareous soils under our arid climatic conditions are very pooor in its organic content which is generally known as a source and solubilizing factor for the native insoluble froms of nutrients such as zinc manganese . Oranic manures are well established to be involved in the fertilization plan in almost all the world . Besides, in areas where mineral fertilizers are either not readily available or too expensive for general use, organic manures are almost the only for maintaining soil fertility . Organic materials influence the physical, chemical and biochemical characteristics of soil, which in turn influence the growth and development of plants . Therefore, the present investigation was undertaken to Facus some lights on the direct and indirect role of some organic manures, i.e., town refuse alone or combined with Zn So 4.7H 2o o r Mnso4. 7H2O, piqeon refuse, chicken manure and farmyard manure with ZnSO4 .7H 2O or Mnso4 . 7H2o on the availability of Zn, Mn and N to corn plants at different growth periods. 