Studies on the manufacture and ripening Ras-Type cheese

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1986
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 316
BibID 10551332
Keywords : Cheese    
The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of: 1- Various technological aspects on the manufacture and ripening of Ras cheese with the aim to improving its manufacture and accelerating its ripening. 2- Refigerated storage of milk on the quality of Ras cheese . 3- Use of recombined milk containing normal or high levels of total solids n the manufacture of Ras cheese as affected by ripening temperature. A study was undertaken to develop a fractionation scheme that would permit the large, water-insoluble peptides homogeneous from in order to characterize the sxtent and nature of proteolysis for this cheese type. characterization of lipolysis in Ras cheese was conducted also 