The Rate of Development Of Sandy soils as Indicator to Crop Production

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1982
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 158
BibID 10504469
Keywords : Sandy soils    
Egypt is considered as one of the over-populated countries owing to the very limited arable areas for crop ping Therefore, the revolution goverrunent gave a great attention to soil reclamation, to face the annual increase in population. Since our principal wealth is based on the proper utilization of our agricultural land, yet it is evident that the projects of expanding agriculture in Egypt, so long as the expansion is based upon sound financial and water economy, represent an urgent necessity in order to raise the income of the farmers and consequently to increase the general agricultural income. Here comes the importance of reclaiming the desert lands adjacent to the Delta and the Nile Valley, of which the sandy soils cover an extensive area, especially after the construction of the High Dam to secure more water for irrigation. It is a well-known fact that sandy soils usually suffer from low cation exchange capacity, low water holding capacity, high permeability and low fertility. These are due to the fact that sandy soils contain very low amount of clay and humus . These problems can be solved by the application of clay or organic matter with suitable management practices. The aim of this work is to study the development of physical and chemical properties which results from increasing cropping period,which,in turn,is reflected on plant growth and yields. 