Effect Of Some Processing On Water Soluble Vitamins In vegetables

Faculty Agriculture Year: 0
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 158
BibID 10435905
Keywords : Vegetables    
Vitamins are organic compounds, which are quite necessary for maintaining normal life for animals, including men, and most of it are unable to synthesize. These vitamin compounds, which are effective in small amounts , do not furnish any energy and are not utilized as building units , but are essential ror the regulation of the metabolism of structual units. The vitamins are generally divided into two major group : fat-soluble and water – soluble vitamins. Vitamins B1 (thiamine) B2 (riboflavin) and c (ascorbic acid) are water-soluble vitamins which are distributed throughout the animals and plants kingdom. Thiamine is required for normal appetite and digestion for a healthy nervous system and to help change substaances in food into energy for work and heat . The role of vitamine B2 is to help the cells to use oxygen , to keep vision clear and for smooth skin without scaling around the mouth or creaking at the corner of the mouth .Vitamine C is needed to help cement body cells together and strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and to help resist infection. The aim of this work is to Throw light for improving the methods of processing laeves and artichokes which are common vegetable consumed locally. 