Growing and Fattening of Eraly Weaned Lambs

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1978
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 103
BibID 10428849
Keywords : Sheep    
In Egypt, studies on meat production are needed to find out the possible means for increasing and improvement of the meat produced from local animals, which may bridge the gap between meat production and consumption in the country . As far as sheep are concerned, it is a common practice in husbandry to breed ewes once every years and to ween lambs at 4 months of age. Therefore, adoption of three lamings in two years was widely suggested as a system for sheep production intensification . Under such a system, the interval between two successive lambings is a matter of eight months out of which five months are occupied by pregnancy. Rherfore, the early weaning of lambs may be regarded as a practice of no other practical alternative. The object of this work was to study the performance of lambs weaned at 6 and 8 weeks of age. 