Study on Rice Fertilization

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1977
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 114
BibID 10424191
Keywords : Rice    
more than half of the world’s population eat rice as the main source of food in the diet. In Egypt, rice is considered to be the second exportable crop, The rice plant has avide adaptability, Fertility practices are among the wore important factors influencing the levels of rice production, Rice yields can be increased by application of fertilizers, The most commonlv applied fertilizer elemonts are N, Pand K, of these. N is the wost important. The results obtained uder different conditions indicate that time, rate and placement of N influence varieties differently and it is diserable to determine the reaction under SKha conditions.The effctivenss of fertilizer varies depending on the variety grown Accordingly, tbis work was carried out to study the efficient utilization of N,P and K by the new variety of rice namely Giza 172. 