Effect OF Irrigation on The Development of Fertility Of the Newly Reclaimed Saline Soils at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1980
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 128
BibID 10489122
Keywords : Irrigation    
Egypt is now facing one of the most serious problems That can ever be met by another country in the world. It is The problem of a vast increasing population against a very limited area of cultivated land. Reclamation and improvement of saline soils help in solving such problem, but it must be taken into consideration that irrigation management practices of newly reclaimed saline soils control, to a great extent, their fertility.The objctive of this work may be outline as follows : Study of the effect of proplanting irrigation (Sharaki imgation) on fertility. Study of the increae of the irrigation water quantity on fertility. Study of the irrigation period on fertility. It will be regarded to the fertility on newly Reclaimed saline soils under investigation as a rusult of Such many factors studied in this work as soil physical and chemical properties, which Lead to an increase of soil productivity. In this study, corn plant was planted aa it is sensitive to irrigation water levels under salinity conditions., and also it is one of the main crops since it is the principal ingredient of food for the majority of Egyptian farmers. 