Effect Of some Insecticides On The Chemichal Constituents Of The Stored Wheat And Its penatration Through The kernel

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1979
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 86
BibID 10432947
Keywords : Wheat    
Stored grains including wheat are liable to be attacked by several insect pests . Organophosphorus insecticides of low mammalian toxicology are promising for use against stored grain pests . The insecticide residues on biological surfaces are not static , but dynmic changes usually occur to the insecticides. Initial deposits of the chemicals on the grain surfaces are subjected to sevral degrading factors of the surrounding environments. The compound itself and its degradation products may penetrate the biological membranes in a rate dependent on several factors including, the physico-chemical properties of the copound. The present investigation was under taken to Study the dynamically changedresidues of organophosphorusin secticides on and in wheat grins. 