The Interrelation Between the Depth and Chemiical Composition Of Soil Ground Water and Type Of Salinities

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1980
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 86
BibID 10500385
Keywords : Soils    
The salinity and alkalinity problems encountered in Egypt are of such a mgnitude that they require the intensive efforts of Egyptian soil scientists. A rough estimation indicates that there are about 1.874,658 faddans are considered as salt affected soils, 25% of them lies in the middle delta , The most important aim of the A.R.E. Agricultural policy is to increase the total production by addition of areas for cultivation and improving the productivity of the cultivable soils. In arid and semi-arid irrigated regions such as Egypt most soils that suffer form salinity and alkalinity .in general, have a relatively high water table which affects their productivity. The high ground water if impregnated with saltes is considered to be hazardous to the soil. It is worthy to note that the main cause of salinity in soils of Sharkia Governorate is derived from the weathering of the geological material and essentially form the salty ground water. Salts usually move upward from the high ground water by the capillary rise and evaporation resulting in soil salinity. Because of the intensity of soil salinization in Sharkia Governorate is conditioned by the depth of water table and mainly by its chemical composition, this study is undertaken to study the interrelation between the depth and chemical composition of soil water and soil salinity in sharkia governorate this is useful in planning for reclamation and amelioration of soils in the studied area. 