Comparative Study With Ruminants and Rabbits Using Different Levels Of Roughages and Concentrates

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1979
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 116
BibID 10430955
Keywords : Rabbits    
Some early contributions made by weisk ( 1935 )and Von Knierien (1935 ) showed that digestibilities of the cereals were of the some order when determined withrabbits and sheep. Voris et al. ( 1940 ) also indicated that rabbits did not differ naterially from the domostic animals in their ability to digest concentrates. These results suggested the use of rabbits in place of ruminants such as sheep or steers in digestibility trials to simplify and reduce the work and expenses involved in such trials . Hawever , A nou Hussein in et al . ( 1974 ) added that rabbits, sheep and steers differed in their ability to digest the different constituents of clover. This induced Aboul-Ela et al.. ( 1979 ) to indicate that it is preferable for formulating ration for rabbits to use the values of feeding stuffs obtained from rsbbits digestion experiments.Feed stuffs with sheep and rabbits the effect of basal retion (colver hay)Feed Sluffs with rabbits (corncobs and sawdust). 