Pre-Natal Development Of Follicles In The Skin Of Sheep

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1982
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 150
BibID 10434422
Keywords : Sheep    
It the present time , there is a widespread in the study of the development of the wool follicles population ni sheep for the understanding of the adult fleece and the control of wool production . In addition , the histological characteristics of the sheep skin may be a good index for the effect of both environmental and genetical factors affecting the characters of their fleece and gives some ides of genetical properties of the animal. This latter aspect is clearly seen in the pre-natal stage . Various development features of wool follicles during the pre. and post - natal life of shee have been described by many workers . In the native Egyptian fat-tailed sheep, Badreldin et al. (1961 and 1962 ) and marai (1964) studied the post - natal development of wool follicles . However , the studied on the pre-natal development of the wool follicless of such sheep is still lacking .The present work was to conducted to Study the pre-natal development of the wool follicles in the Egyptian sheep and to throw some light on some histochemical reactions of the wool follicles. 