Physiogenetical Studies On Maize (Zea mays L.)

Faculty Agriculture Year: 2004
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 220
BibID 10622092
Keywords : soils    
Estimating combining ability for inbred lines (general) and single crosses (specific) for earliness charcters, physiological ones through three growth stages, 45,55 and 65 days from sowing and yield and yield components using griffings (1956)odel l, methods 2. calculating heterosis for both of mid parent(M.P) and high parent (H.P) and inbreeding value for these characters (F2 populations).Calculating genetic components. heritability and derived parameters using Haymans approach (1954 a and b) for the studied characters in half diallel of 6x6. Testing the resulted genotypes of maize under the two various locations i.e., sakha and sids during two summer seasons of 1999 and 2000, employing phenotypic (Eberhart and Russell. 1966) and genotypic (Tai, 1971) stability parameters and recommend the most stable single crosses maize. 