Nitrogen Behaviour Under Different Soil Management Practices

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1999
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 127
BibID 10407960
Keywords : Soil Management    
The present study was conducted to investigate theeffect of water stress and nitrgen fertilization on growth yield and yield attributes,drought suscptibility zand grain quality of barley. N application generally increased wheat straw yield when compared with the control. this trend was more pronounced when nitrogen was added as ammonium sulphate. splitting the amount of added nitrogen as two doses was superior than when added one dose. The relative values over the control were 122.4 and 115.9% when urea was added as two doses or one dose respectively. For ammonium sulphate, the corresponding relatively values were 136.5% and 115.6% .the highest yield of straw was obtained by applying ammonium sulphate or urea as two doses and maintaining soil moisture around the field capacity. 