Studies Of Some Factors Affecting On Fish Performance

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1999
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 133
BibID 10488427
Keywords : Fish    
Fish require diets relatively in protein than those of other commercially reared animals. The economic success of controlled production of fish, mainly, on the cost of feedand particularly on that of protien is the most expensive component in artificial diets for fish.Thus protein utilization has been the main focus of research into the nutrient requirement of species. Optimal dietary protein requirements for several catfish species have been determined at different stages of growth and under a conditions. Moreover water quality and pollution affect livability and net retum. The present study aimed to determine The effect of varying dietary protein levels on growth peformance, feed efficiency, body composition and some reproductive performance. it also involed to studying water pollution toxicity of copper and zinc (as heavy meatless) on some histological study and its amelioration. 