Effect Of Certain chemical and Boi-control Agents On whitefly, Bemisia Tabaci(Genn.) Infesting Cucumber

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1999
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 107
BibID 10557987
Keywords : Pests    
whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) has recently, gained wide spread attention in many countries including Egypt due to its devastating effect on several crops. This tiny insect caused serious problems to some vegetable and field crops inflicting so huge econonric loss to growers. whitefly infiict direct and indirect damage to its host plants. The larvae and adults suck plant sap which may induce chlorosis, dryness, early senescence and defoliation of leaves. Reduced photo synthetic areas are noted due to rrfute powdery and waxy secretions compounded by the growth of sooty niolds which subsist on the honey dew that the insect excrete. some species may vector plant viruses and other plant pathogens (sumalde, 1990). Irregular ripening in tomatoes, sticlqy lint in cotton and sooty mold rnduced by excreted honey dew and harvesting maybe a problem.Throughout the last decade, cucumber plants especially the summer plantation have been hit hard by whitefly inut seemed like clouds of swirling snow on plants causing heary damages on the crop. Cotton whiteflu, bemisia tadaci (Genn.)Isa seiious Pest Infesting cucumber plants Grown especiallyin summer And Nili Plantations In Sharkia Regon. New Approaches in whitefly control In cucumber Plantations was Investigated here.the Possible Roles Of PlantFertilization With Ntrogen, Phosphorus. 