Effect of Some Feed Ingredients in Sheep Rations on Wool Production and Characteristics

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1994
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 102
BibID 10421735
Keywords : Sheep    
Wool production plays an important role ln thd international trade and is considered as an independent lndustry and has a little element of risk with high profitabiIity. Wool production per head of sheep is depending mainly upon breed, sex, density of fleece fibers, fibre diameter, time and technique of shearing, as well as, level of nutrition supplied for animals. Furthermore, the type of nutrients offered to the animal during the period of wool growth may affect wool production in quantity and quality. sorne studies revealed that dietary protein, in general, and amino acids in particular have significant influences upon wool growth. The Present work aimes to Investigate the effects of supplementing german Muttou merino ewes with urea, sulphur and methionine during late pregnancy and early lactation on wool growth and production on wool growth and production of lamlos under the environmental canditions of EGYPT. 