Agronomic Studies On Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius L.)

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1988
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 136
BibID 10524436
Keywords : Safflower    
Safflower is considered as an important oil crop in many countries of the world . It is well adapted to the semi-arid regions and of great importance to the Middle East . In our country, there is a considerable deficit of the total oil production to meet the consumption . Nowadays, the deficit in oil production reached-in Egypt-to about one third million tone of oil per year. Increasing safflower yields is most likely to be achieved by improving some agronomic practices . Meantime, although adeqate irrigation produced optimum safflower seed yield, oil percentage was not improved by various irrigation regimes ( Alessi et al., 1981).Therefore, the Present Study Was Undertaken to provide additional datta about the effect of irrigation plant population and qrowth regulators on qrowth and yield, as well as seed oil and protein contents of saffiower. 