Studies on Productive Characteristics and Egg Quality of Sudani DUCKS

Faculty Agriculture Year: 1984
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 137
BibID 10434582
Keywords : Ducks    
The sharp increase in the Egyptian population demonds the increment protien and , specifically, in animal protein. Nowadays, although some effects are devoted to improve animal and poultry production, meat and egg prices still high relatively to the incoms percapita. The insufficient supply for animal protein necessitates using poultry and fish altogether with all the available sources of farm animal to solve the problem. Production of Sudani ducks may share in solving this propblem for welfare and food security of the Egyptian people. One of the main channels for incressing the production of ducklings for meat is by improvement of egg production of laying ducks . However , the improvement of egg production of this indigenous ducks may be achieved by breeding programmes and improving the environmental circumstances . The Sudani duks are wide spread and desired in Egypt. The present investigation was carried out to Throw some light on meat and egg productive characters. the storoid hormones were also estimted during growing and ovulatory cyche periods. 