The impact of periodic social events on personal emotional intelligence: Radiologists’ experience at an Egyptian teaching hospital

Faculty Medicine Year: 2023
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: work IOS Volume:
Keywords : , impact , periodic social events , personal emotional    
Abstract: BACKGROUND:Radiologists need to learn more about the management of their emotions and their impact on individual well-being as well as proper communication within the radiology realm. OBJECTIVE:This cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the relationship between joining social events organized by the radiology department of Al-Ahrar Teaching Hospital and the emotional intelligence of radiologists. METHODS:A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on 82 radiologists at the Radiology Department of Al-Ahrar Teaching Hospital, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt. This was preceded by a pilot study among radiologists, and modification of the questionnaire items to be more precise. The questionnaire consisted of three sections: it assessed sociodemographic, personnel, and workplace characteristics of the participants; social events’ related factors, and emotional intelligence of radiologists. RESULTS:52.4% of radiologists had moderate emotional intelligence scores, and 24.4% had high emotional intelligence scores. High emotional intelligence scores were significantly associated and positively correlated with the increased participants’ years of work experience and frequency of attending social events, and the overall impression of the events. The radiologists’ overall impression of the social events was the only significant independent predictor of a high emotional intelligence score. CONCLUSION:The majority of the participants in this study had moderate to high emotional intelligence scores. The social events that were organized by the radiology department succeeded in crossing-over the gaps in communication and workflow knowledge that take place due to significant personnel turnover and should be considered for improving team preparedness and communication in similar workplaces.

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