تأثير استخدام الجرافيك ديزاين علي التحصيل المعرفي ومستوي أداء الهجوم الخاطف في كرة اليد

Faculty Physical Education for Girls Year: 2023
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: مجلة بحوث التربية الشاملة مجلة بحوث التربية الشاملة Volume:
Keywords : تأثير استخدام الجرافيك ديزاين , التحصيل المعرفي    
Research Objective: - To identify the impact of the use of graphic design software on the cognitive attacking of the handball. - Identify the impact of the use of graphic design software on the performance of the blitz in the handball. Search Assumptions: - Graphic Design positively affects the level of performance of the handball blitz. - Graphic Design positively affects the cognitive attainment of the blitz in the handball. Research Community & Sample: - The research community: The research community included female students of the third division of the Faculty of Sports Education - University of Zagaziq for the university year (2022-2023). - Sample Search: The sample of research was chosen in a deliberate manner from the 3rd Division Students of the Faculty of Sports Education Girls - University of Zagaziq (220) Student, and the number of (20) student surveys to conduct scientific transactions for the tests in question was withdrawn, thus becoming the basic research sample 200 students divided into two groups, one experimental and the other female officers, each (100) students, table (1) showing the classification of the search sample. Conclusions and recommendations: Extracts: Based on the results of the research and within the limits of the sample and procedures, the following conclusions were reached: - The proposed graphic design educational programme has contributed in a positive and effective manner to the performance of the handball blitz of the pilot group. - The pilot group that used the proposed graphic design tutorial outperformed the control group that used the traditional handball blitz program. - The experimental group outperformed the control group in rates of improvement and increased rates of improvement of the experimental group in remote measurements of both tribal and intercountry measurements and increased intercountry measurements of tribal measurements in cognitive, physical and skill variables. - There are statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in all cognitive, physical and skill variables for the experimental group's benefit from the control group in dimensional measurements.

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