The effectiveness of a training program based on modeling to develop the linguistic vocabulary in improving the social skills of children with developmental language disorder

Faculty disability sciences and rehabilitation Year: 2024
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Volume:
Keywords : , effectiveness , , training program based , modeling , develop    
linguistic and social skills so that they can interact and communicate with others. 3- Directing the attention of officials and specialists to using one of the effective modern strategies to improve Social skills and development of linguistic vocabulary among children with developmental language disorder Linguisticmodeling strategy. Results 1) There are statistically significant differences at (0.01) between the means of ranks of scores of the experimental and control groups in the linguistic outcome and social skills in the post-measurement in favor of the experimental group. 2) There are statistically significant differences at (0.05) between the ranks of the experimental group’s scores in the linguistic outcome and social skills in the pre- and post-measurements in favor of the post-measurement. 3) There are no statistically significant differences between the ranks of the experimental group’s scores in the linguistic outcome and social skills in the post and follow-up measurements. learner makes a mental effort and discovers knowledge for himself, and when he The learner takes an active role in building his knowledge. Previous perceptions that exist in his cognitive structure are modified and this occurs through what is known as conceptual change processes. The problem of the study The problem of the current research is that children with developmental language disorder suffer from a noticeable weakness in their linguistic vocabulary and do not have a linguistic wealth that they can use to communicate with others, which also causes them to have a deficit in social skills and lose the skills of communicating with others. Therefore, the problem of the study can be formulated in the following main question. What is the effectiveness of a program based on linguistic modeling in developing the linguistic vocabulary and social skills of children with developmental language disorder? Aims of the study The study aims to do the following: 1- Developing the social skills of children with developmental language delay through a training program based on modeling to develop their linguistic vocabulary. 2- Verifying the continuity of the program based on linguistic modeling in developing the linguistic vocabulary and social skills after completing its application. The importance of studying 1- Developing the linguistic vocabulary of children with developmental language disorder, which helps them develop their skills Social where they can interact, cooperate and socialize with other children and the community surrounding them so that they can present their thoughts and feelings, whether to their families or peers within society. 2- Helping parents children with developmental language disorder to develop their

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