The Effectiveness of a Computer Program Based on Lyrical Stories in Developing Expressive Language for Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Faculty disability sciences and rehabilitation Year: 2024
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Volume:
Keywords : , Effectiveness , , Computer Program Based , Lyrical Stories    
Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the common disorders among kindergarten children, and the manifestations of this disorder include lack of attention span, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, where the child who suffers from this disorder is not alert to a specific stimulus for an appropriate period, and is always active and mobile to the extent that it makes him a subject of complaint at home At school, these children suffer from many psychological disorders, including the emergence of many fears, which affects their behavior in their interactions with others around them in many situations. ADHD is characterized by impaired performance in the areas of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Recent findings indicate that this disorder is associated with a reduced quality of life, impaired adaptive functioning, and includes difficulty paying attention and communicating with peers, impulsivity, and varying degrees of restlessness or hyperactivity, both of which It is more common in males than females, and causes behavioral, academic, emotional, and adaptive problems at school, home, and elsewhere. In addition, these children have language problems, and their language delay is due to attention deficit and distraction, which has an impact on language performance. The expressive language for the child is of great importance. This is because it helps the child to meet his needs, and also to express his thoughts and feelings, and it also helps him to communicate and integrate. To be able to interact and communicate with others later, after the child acquires a large linguistic crop, he begins to gradually move away from others to form his own characteristic, and his own expressive language that distinguishes him from others in dealing with those around him and dealing with different situations. Therefore, the researcher believes that it is important to pay attention to the development of the expressive language of these children and to encourage them to develop their linguistic awareness. So that they can communicate with others, using stories that have a great impact on the child, and providing him with communication skills commensurate with their abilities and capabilities, in addition to providing him with new vocabulary, structures and phrases, and developing his listening, listening and remembering skills, and training the child to ask questions after understanding the story and thus developing language Expressive child, and becomes able to communicate with the environment around him. The Study Problem The problem was felt through the researcher's work as a speech therapist, where she noticed that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have a weakness in expressive language, which affects their communication and interaction with others, and by looking at previous research and studies that dealt with the variables of the study, it became clear that there is a dearth of Arab studies that dealt with the effectiveness of the lyrical story in developing the expressive language of students with attention deficit and hyperactivity, within the limits of the researcher's knowledge. The problem of the current study can be formulated in the following main question: What is the effectiveness of a computer program based on singing stories in developing expressive language for pupils with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Objectives of the study - Developing the expressive language of students with attention deficit and hyperactivity through a program based on singing stories. - Identifying the continuity of the program used in the development of expressive language for students with attention deficit and hyperactivity. The Importance of Studying - The importance of the category that the current study is exposed to, and they are students with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. - Clarifying the nature of lyrical stories and the possibility of using them in developing the expressive language of students with attention deficit and hyperactivity. - Providing a measure of the expressive language of children with hyperactivity and hyperactivity to the library to benefit from it in the research and scientific fields. - Despite the large number of studies that dealt with expressive language, there were few studies that dealt with training students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on expressive language and the degree of its importance in developing communication with others. The study sample The study sample consisted of students with attention deficit and hyperactivity in the city of Awlad Saqr, at the age of (7-9) years, and their number was (10) children, with an IQ of (95-110). Study Approach The researcher used the experimental method. For its relevance to the nature of the current study. Study tools - Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, fifth image (Arabization and codification / Safwat Farag, 2011). - Conners scale for assessing child behavior (prepared by Abdul Raqib Al-Behairy, 2011). - Expressive language scale (prepared by Ehab El- Beblawy). - The program based on lyrical stories (prepared by Esam Khattab, Doaa Khattab, Alaa El- Sayed). The statistical methods used - Mann-Whitney test for independent groups. - Wilcoxon equation for two related groups. Results 1- There are statistically significant differences at the level (0.01) between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the post-measurement on the expressive language scale. 2- There are statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.01) between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre and post measurements on the expressive language scale in favor of the mean scores of the post measurement. 4- There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group in the post and follow-up measurements in the expressive language scale.

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